Here two men sat playing checkers
A woman walked in and one man arose
He sat upon the table of chess
And for which started this mess
She sat down and watched the tables
As two men played against at two different tables
And here we are today
One declares check mate
The other a king
Thank God I'm heartless now
Here I sit beside my pillow and I stare cause I cant sleep
the over thoughts of my doings has left my insides to weep
I took what I could and cooled it down
I turned a smile from a frown
Thank God I'm heartless now
the over thoughts of my doings has left my insides to weep
I took what I could and cooled it down
I turned a smile from a frown
Thank God I'm heartless now
Roadtrip lyrics
I bought a car, drove it far
got to a fancy bar, took a stop
got some pop, now its all good
I saw some kids, beating sticks
and some hicks, play at the pool
watch kids drool all over you
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I took a chance, did a prance
and a fancy dance, had some class
saw some ass, got a big black eye
I took my time, gotta fine
for crossing the line, lost a shoe
by some dude who sold cheap wine
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I drank the day, lost my way
had alot of people pray, for some one like me
stung by a bee now my arm aint the same
Wasted nights, seen the sights
and all the lights, took a pee
felt real free boy this is gotta be me
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
got to a fancy bar, took a stop
got some pop, now its all good
I saw some kids, beating sticks
and some hicks, play at the pool
watch kids drool all over you
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I took a chance, did a prance
and a fancy dance, had some class
saw some ass, got a big black eye
I took my time, gotta fine
for crossing the line, lost a shoe
by some dude who sold cheap wine
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I drank the day, lost my way
had alot of people pray, for some one like me
stung by a bee now my arm aint the same
Wasted nights, seen the sights
and all the lights, took a pee
felt real free boy this is gotta be me
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
My heart used to have pulse and flutter full of love
It used to beat like a drum controlled by he above
You came in once and got the prize
And with it you took my pride
You came again to revive what was left
And moments later you disappear
In my hand I hold my heart
Its pulse is near nothing but yet it keeps going
Then I trip into your arms bearing my heart in my hands.
You let go so I can fall to the gravel below
With each foot of yours bears a blow to my sides
My hands barely grasp the heart I have
Your face of anger resonates in the foot
The foot that kicks my hands free of my heart
The foot stomps my heart til there is not a beat left
My blood pools around me like a man who is to drown
The out from the darkness comes something I have never seen
You offer your hand to pick me up with a glimmer in your eye
I roll over to let myself die
Knowing that in your hands lays a lie
It used to beat like a drum controlled by he above
You came in once and got the prize
And with it you took my pride
You came again to revive what was left
And moments later you disappear
In my hand I hold my heart
Its pulse is near nothing but yet it keeps going
Then I trip into your arms bearing my heart in my hands.
You let go so I can fall to the gravel below
With each foot of yours bears a blow to my sides
My hands barely grasp the heart I have
Your face of anger resonates in the foot
The foot that kicks my hands free of my heart
The foot stomps my heart til there is not a beat left
My blood pools around me like a man who is to drown
The out from the darkness comes something I have never seen
You offer your hand to pick me up with a glimmer in your eye
I roll over to let myself die
Knowing that in your hands lays a lie
Online Review its website was
Note:All of these are posts from the former OR site. They are all in last to first order.
The End
I'm Sorry for those who actually read this blog. As of today I am officially ending its blogger days due to lack of time to update it reguarly and lack of drive to keep it going. Thanks for reading. The stuff that was originally posted here, will reappear on SAPS as one post. This is to maintain what it once was. Thank you.
posted by The Ghost at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Note: This was the last post made on the blog.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Back at it
Its been awhile since I've last touched this site. Dont get me wrong, but a lot of hours went into to the making of this post. Oddly enough it doesnt show. This reviews best blogs were more of the exceptional this time. I would have to say the best of the best.
Top Beginner Blog:
My Review: The rants here are beautiful at best. Although the posts visually look long, you'll fly by each word and wonder how you got to the end so fast. Its well basic template allows for no visual confusion. 8/10
Best Random Blog Search:"Abhi's Antics"
My Review:"The day to day incoherent rants of a lazy,good-for-nothing intellectual" says it all. This blog is simply, brilliant and full of useless information along with the occasional need to know stuff. I might want to say, the uses of the remarkable "Calvin and Hobbes" is sheer genius. 10/10
Worst Random Blog Search:"chance movie-dvd reviews"
My Review: Not much but can be said for this blog. With its inconsistent post fonts and generic template, this blog doesnt do much at all for anyone.
The Best Foreign Language Blog:"no esquecimento "
My Review: I dont have much to say about this blog but its as good as you can want.8/10
Blogs of note: "The Bestest Blog of All Time"
This blog is just like us but much better. Although the color scheme should be a little different, this blog takes what we do to the next level. I hope all read what this site has to offer.
Friday, October 27, 2006
We Are Anemic
We Are SoSo So So.....Tis been awhile since I did a blog review....
Check this out
I couldn't give this a score mainly because I do not believe in a ranking system, but this site is damn cool.
I like the collections.Its cool to read content mainly based on marketing and advertising related material. Have fun.
***The post was the only post done by Aeliot, all others were done by The Ghost
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Due to recent events and time constraints, OR will be updated less frequently. Hopefully more time can be given to it at a later date. Thank you so much for reading. Take note this is not a good-bye. I will be able to put more stuff on here and it will continue to operate. Just take note that it will be a monthly things instead of weekly.
Thank you,The Ghost
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Well its been awhile
Today marks the day of our third online blogger blog review post. Its been almost more than 2 weeks, but after hours of strain and hardwork we have compilied up the winners and the losers. Its been a long time since this blogs dedication that we or should I say 'I' have posted anything. Through hard work though, I plan to keep this site going strong.
Top beginner blog:"maedae"(
My Review: Well if you can imagine a site that has a two posts, two of which have the same exact content except one has some added. Besides the fact thats its really repetitive, it has a simple easy to follow layout. It also posses a lot of potential to be something good. But because of it being in the early stages, it has yet to show strongly its promise. 4/10
Best random blog search: "Copeland Institute for Lower Learning" (
My Review:"It's not about ideology, it's about incompetence" You cant really pick a better grabber to keep the reader interested. This personal political blog's is simple and easy to follow. It doesnt have fancy backgrounds or unusual fonts to distract you from the main focus. They take a complicated subject and make it 'look' easy. This blog does get personal which can draw away the credibility, and it may lack an unbiased opinion but it keeps with the main focus. 9/10
Worst random blog search:"Fitty on the West Coast" (
My Review: Although I am not quite a fan of personel blogs about peoples lives, this blog however is the exception. Its a crazy blog on the background of a light blue layout format. Its intriguing posts on life are mixed with a consistent statement of dietary status. This site has the looks to keep a reader in a good mood unlike most "emo" sites. Its refreshing, new and brilliant. I would give it a 10 but thats just to tough to reach. 9/10
The best foregin language political blog:"" (
My Review: Well it may not be all foreign language and not political it does take an approach for which we here enjoyed a lot. Besides busisness is politics, but the way this site is done is marvelous. English-non english, english-non english. That alone is the rewarding experience. 6/10
Blog of note:"Still breathing(" I hate to say it but a site that unknowingly flaunts spelling errors should be taken off of blogger, beaten, and tossed. Something so stupid as this blog should hopefully get no readers, but hey anything can happen-like BUSH getting elected.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Here we are again to review more of bloggers worst and best. After doing about a weeks long search and reading tons of blogs, I have come up with my selection. This selection has a wide range of 'diary' to 'journalist' like blogs. I hope this review gives you a better feel of what to read.
Top beginner blog:"Ryan's Blog"(
My Review: Well lets get to the basics of this blog. For one, its informative, which is kinda refreshing. Two, its opionated so its not a news fed blog. Three, its easy to follow. This blog does well by not coming on too strong. Although it does have its flaws. For instance, the same post is posted twice. Ryan's blog deserves high respect because hes not trying to be the dominant voice in the crowd just yet. The blog contains stuff that comes to mind and information that's backed by evidence or sources.7/10
Best random blog search: "President Ahmadinejad"(
My Review:From the get-go this blog states and maintains its clear and definite direction. Its layout is easy to follow while the writing is top notch. One thing that may throw some away is the advertisments of books on the left side. I give credit, because at least the ads maintain the subject of the blog. This blog is clear, well done and just how I like' em.9/10
Worst random blog search:"Gee" (
My Review: Oh gee its 'Gee'. Thats about all the fun you can get from this unique blog. At first it seems promising with its very unusual blog set up. Once you get in to the blog, the poor grammar and ill designed layout ruin all the hopes you had. Its hard to read on levels of visibility and understanding. This blog will drive your eyes nuts. 3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"ECONOMIA: LO QUE QUIERES SABER" (
My Review: This blog comes off a little to cute almost to the extent of ruining completly. That is all to blame for its 'dog' cursor'. Don't let that lead you away. Its extensive younger version of news magaize is good. Its page format is eligible and well laid out. The topics are interesting and cover a wide variety of topics for readers to read. I strongly suggest you check it out. 8/10
Monday, September 04, 2006
Well lets get things started. For one, this a blog designated to rate, rant and remark on blogs that you or other people put on blogger. I'd like to get put out that everything about the blogs we read are broken down and judged based on its direction, layout, posts,etc. To help with how I rate things-I always include the topic on top. Next is my review of the blog mentioned above. The numbers (ex.10/10) are my way of rating the blog on a numerical scale.
My picks:Top beginner blog:"Gilded Lilies"(
my review:Its short, sweet and to the point. 6/10
Best random blog search:"Mikey's Tent of Reality"(
my review: I really like this blog because its got this spunk to its read. Its template is generic and the links to other blogs are quirky at best. The thing about this blogs direction is that its intended to not have a direction and for that it gets high Kudos. 7/10
Worst random blog search:"Kon TiKi"(
my review: Its too orange and ads cover its header. Its a tourist driven website meant for people who should go but written as if you had to be there to know whats going on.3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"No Claudicaré hasta decir toda la verdad..." (
my review: Its picture selection is at best, filling, although the blue on black background draws away from the blog. It could do some massive improvement on getting rid of the color clashing but the blog is well set-up when it comes to the written format.8/10
1 Comment
Angel said
Thank U...
The End
I'm Sorry for those who actually read this blog. As of today I am officially ending its blogger days due to lack of time to update it reguarly and lack of drive to keep it going. Thanks for reading. The stuff that was originally posted here, will reappear on SAPS as one post. This is to maintain what it once was. Thank you.
posted by The Ghost at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Note: This was the last post made on the blog.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Back at it
Its been awhile since I've last touched this site. Dont get me wrong, but a lot of hours went into to the making of this post. Oddly enough it doesnt show. This reviews best blogs were more of the exceptional this time. I would have to say the best of the best.
Top Beginner Blog:
My Review: The rants here are beautiful at best. Although the posts visually look long, you'll fly by each word and wonder how you got to the end so fast. Its well basic template allows for no visual confusion. 8/10
Best Random Blog Search:"Abhi's Antics"
My Review:"The day to day incoherent rants of a lazy,good-for-nothing intellectual" says it all. This blog is simply, brilliant and full of useless information along with the occasional need to know stuff. I might want to say, the uses of the remarkable "Calvin and Hobbes" is sheer genius. 10/10
Worst Random Blog Search:"chance movie-dvd reviews"
My Review: Not much but can be said for this blog. With its inconsistent post fonts and generic template, this blog doesnt do much at all for anyone.
The Best Foreign Language Blog:"no esquecimento "
My Review: I dont have much to say about this blog but its as good as you can want.8/10
Blogs of note: "The Bestest Blog of All Time"
This blog is just like us but much better. Although the color scheme should be a little different, this blog takes what we do to the next level. I hope all read what this site has to offer.
Friday, October 27, 2006
We Are Anemic
We Are SoSo So So.....Tis been awhile since I did a blog review....
Check this out
I couldn't give this a score mainly because I do not believe in a ranking system, but this site is damn cool.
I like the collections.Its cool to read content mainly based on marketing and advertising related material. Have fun.
***The post was the only post done by Aeliot, all others were done by The Ghost
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Due to recent events and time constraints, OR will be updated less frequently. Hopefully more time can be given to it at a later date. Thank you so much for reading. Take note this is not a good-bye. I will be able to put more stuff on here and it will continue to operate. Just take note that it will be a monthly things instead of weekly.
Thank you,The Ghost
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Well its been awhile
Today marks the day of our third online blogger blog review post. Its been almost more than 2 weeks, but after hours of strain and hardwork we have compilied up the winners and the losers. Its been a long time since this blogs dedication that we or should I say 'I' have posted anything. Through hard work though, I plan to keep this site going strong.
Top beginner blog:"maedae"(
My Review: Well if you can imagine a site that has a two posts, two of which have the same exact content except one has some added. Besides the fact thats its really repetitive, it has a simple easy to follow layout. It also posses a lot of potential to be something good. But because of it being in the early stages, it has yet to show strongly its promise. 4/10
Best random blog search: "Copeland Institute for Lower Learning" (
My Review:"It's not about ideology, it's about incompetence" You cant really pick a better grabber to keep the reader interested. This personal political blog's is simple and easy to follow. It doesnt have fancy backgrounds or unusual fonts to distract you from the main focus. They take a complicated subject and make it 'look' easy. This blog does get personal which can draw away the credibility, and it may lack an unbiased opinion but it keeps with the main focus. 9/10
Worst random blog search:"Fitty on the West Coast" (
My Review: Although I am not quite a fan of personel blogs about peoples lives, this blog however is the exception. Its a crazy blog on the background of a light blue layout format. Its intriguing posts on life are mixed with a consistent statement of dietary status. This site has the looks to keep a reader in a good mood unlike most "emo" sites. Its refreshing, new and brilliant. I would give it a 10 but thats just to tough to reach. 9/10
The best foregin language political blog:"" (
My Review: Well it may not be all foreign language and not political it does take an approach for which we here enjoyed a lot. Besides busisness is politics, but the way this site is done is marvelous. English-non english, english-non english. That alone is the rewarding experience. 6/10
Blog of note:"Still breathing(" I hate to say it but a site that unknowingly flaunts spelling errors should be taken off of blogger, beaten, and tossed. Something so stupid as this blog should hopefully get no readers, but hey anything can happen-like BUSH getting elected.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Here we are again to review more of bloggers worst and best. After doing about a weeks long search and reading tons of blogs, I have come up with my selection. This selection has a wide range of 'diary' to 'journalist' like blogs. I hope this review gives you a better feel of what to read.
Top beginner blog:"Ryan's Blog"(
My Review: Well lets get to the basics of this blog. For one, its informative, which is kinda refreshing. Two, its opionated so its not a news fed blog. Three, its easy to follow. This blog does well by not coming on too strong. Although it does have its flaws. For instance, the same post is posted twice. Ryan's blog deserves high respect because hes not trying to be the dominant voice in the crowd just yet. The blog contains stuff that comes to mind and information that's backed by evidence or sources.7/10
Best random blog search: "President Ahmadinejad"(
My Review:From the get-go this blog states and maintains its clear and definite direction. Its layout is easy to follow while the writing is top notch. One thing that may throw some away is the advertisments of books on the left side. I give credit, because at least the ads maintain the subject of the blog. This blog is clear, well done and just how I like' em.9/10
Worst random blog search:"Gee" (
My Review: Oh gee its 'Gee'. Thats about all the fun you can get from this unique blog. At first it seems promising with its very unusual blog set up. Once you get in to the blog, the poor grammar and ill designed layout ruin all the hopes you had. Its hard to read on levels of visibility and understanding. This blog will drive your eyes nuts. 3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"ECONOMIA: LO QUE QUIERES SABER" (
My Review: This blog comes off a little to cute almost to the extent of ruining completly. That is all to blame for its 'dog' cursor'. Don't let that lead you away. Its extensive younger version of news magaize is good. Its page format is eligible and well laid out. The topics are interesting and cover a wide variety of topics for readers to read. I strongly suggest you check it out. 8/10
Monday, September 04, 2006
Well lets get things started. For one, this a blog designated to rate, rant and remark on blogs that you or other people put on blogger. I'd like to get put out that everything about the blogs we read are broken down and judged based on its direction, layout, posts,etc. To help with how I rate things-I always include the topic on top. Next is my review of the blog mentioned above. The numbers (ex.10/10) are my way of rating the blog on a numerical scale.
My picks:Top beginner blog:"Gilded Lilies"(
my review:Its short, sweet and to the point. 6/10
Best random blog search:"Mikey's Tent of Reality"(
my review: I really like this blog because its got this spunk to its read. Its template is generic and the links to other blogs are quirky at best. The thing about this blogs direction is that its intended to not have a direction and for that it gets high Kudos. 7/10
Worst random blog search:"Kon TiKi"(
my review: Its too orange and ads cover its header. Its a tourist driven website meant for people who should go but written as if you had to be there to know whats going on.3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"No Claudicaré hasta decir toda la verdad..." (
my review: Its picture selection is at best, filling, although the blue on black background draws away from the blog. It could do some massive improvement on getting rid of the color clashing but the blog is well set-up when it comes to the written format.8/10
1 Comment
Angel said
Thank U...
Man or Monkey?
We are monkey's by Travis
People think they're funny when they haven't the wit
Others think they're gorgeous but inside they feel shit
Many think they're brainy but they haven't a clue
And I think I'm clever cos I'm singing this to you
We are wrong, we are wrong
We are all so, so wrong
We are monkeys
We are false, we're untrue
We should be in the zoo with our uncles
And if you don't believe
Go and climb up a tree and you'll love it
You're a fool to believe anymore
So believe you're a monkey
All the clever monkeys telling us what to do
Telling us to stay in line and join the monkey queue
Thinking that they're special cos they went to private zoo
One day soon they're gonna end up in a monkey stew
They are wrong, they are wrong
They are all so, so wrong
They are monkeys
They are false, they're untrue
They should be in the zoo with their uncles
And if you don't believe
Go and climb up a tree and you'll love it
You're a fool to believe anymore
So believe you're a monkey
Others think they're gorgeous but inside they feel shit
Many think they're brainy but they haven't a clue
And I think I'm clever cos I'm singing this to you
We are wrong, we are wrong
We are all so, so wrong
We are monkeys
We are false, we're untrue
We should be in the zoo with our uncles
And if you don't believe
Go and climb up a tree and you'll love it
You're a fool to believe anymore
So believe you're a monkey
All the clever monkeys telling us what to do
Telling us to stay in line and join the monkey queue
Thinking that they're special cos they went to private zoo
One day soon they're gonna end up in a monkey stew
They are wrong, they are wrong
They are all so, so wrong
They are monkeys
They are false, they're untrue
They should be in the zoo with their uncles
And if you don't believe
Go and climb up a tree and you'll love it
You're a fool to believe anymore
So believe you're a monkey
Food Comparison
There is nothing like a jar of peanut butter that can offer so much truth in todays world. Go ahead, eat it all up.
How to
Clutch what you hold in your hand. Grab the knife and run your finger on the sharp blade. Watch as the blood rips off the edge. Flashback towards the hate, the love, the good and the bad. Ignore the voice of truth in your head. Refuse to believe the truth it speaks. Apply the piercing knife edge to the skin of your neck right below the head. Take a breathe as truth, humiliation, embarrasment, fun, love, hate, passion, family, friends, and reason flood your shattered mind. Thrust the knife deep into the neck. Close your eyes and see the two or three tunnels of choice. Open your eyes momentarily to see the blood covering your hard and cold hands. Lean forward to see the mess you have made. Close your eyes and lay to peace with yourself. Let yourself lay in the hands of another for once.
Post from the Past: Walking out the door we entered
(click title to view original post)
We came into this world naked, wrinkled and ignorant to the world around us. We had trouble seeing and relied on others to meet our needs. Most of us ran around naked as little kids after we took our baths or when we got out of the pool. We got older and learned things. We were told that being naked was wrong so we clothed ourselves. We learned things at school. We learned how to hate and to love. We learned how to those who arent the same and love our precious iteams we were given. Toys became no longer toys but precious life essentials that we would beat the fuck out of anyone else who dared touch them. We got older and money replaced our toys. We left the nest and had sex like it was sign of God. We would run around our own house naked. We got older and had kids who came into our world naked, wrinkled and ignorant to the world around them. We got older and started wrinkling. We got older and started becoming ignorant to the world around us. We forgot things and had trouble seeing things. We relied on others to meet our daily needs for us. They fed us and clothed us, or helped go give a shit. We died. We died naked,wrinkled,ignorant,with terrible sight to the world around. We went out the same way we came in.
Note to Reader: This post was posted 10/7/05. Thats right a year ago to this date.
We came into this world naked, wrinkled and ignorant to the world around us. We had trouble seeing and relied on others to meet our needs. Most of us ran around naked as little kids after we took our baths or when we got out of the pool. We got older and learned things. We were told that being naked was wrong so we clothed ourselves. We learned things at school. We learned how to hate and to love. We learned how to those who arent the same and love our precious iteams we were given. Toys became no longer toys but precious life essentials that we would beat the fuck out of anyone else who dared touch them. We got older and money replaced our toys. We left the nest and had sex like it was sign of God. We would run around our own house naked. We got older and had kids who came into our world naked, wrinkled and ignorant to the world around them. We got older and started wrinkling. We got older and started becoming ignorant to the world around us. We forgot things and had trouble seeing things. We relied on others to meet our daily needs for us. They fed us and clothed us, or helped go give a shit. We died. We died naked,wrinkled,ignorant,with terrible sight to the world around. We went out the same way we came in.
Note to Reader: This post was posted 10/7/05. Thats right a year ago to this date.
Definition of the word 'Fuck'
(click title above to see the place where this definition came from)
fuck /fʌk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fuhk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation Vulgar.
fuck /fʌk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fuhk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation Vulgar.
–verb (used with object)
–verb (used without object)
—Verb phrases
1. | to have sexual intercourse with. |
2. | Slang. to treat unfairly or harshly. |
3. | to have sexual intercourse. |
4. | Slang. to meddle (usually fol. by around or with). |
5. | Slang. (used to express anger, disgust, peremptory rejection, etc., often fol. by a pronoun, as you or it.) |
6. | an act of sexual intercourse. |
7. | a partner in sexual intercourse. |
8. | Slang. a person, esp. one who is annoying or contemptible. |
9. | the fuck, Slang. (used as an intensifier, esp. with WH-questions, to express annoyance, impatience, etc.) |
10. | fuck around, Slang.
11. | fuck off, Slang.
12. | fuck up, Slang.
13. | give a fuck, Slang. to care; be concerned. |
[Origin: 1495–1505; akin to MD fokken to thrust, copulate with, Sw dial. focka to copulate with, strike, push, fock penis]
*The definition and the format for which the it is laidout is all from
*The definition and the format for which the it is laidout is all from
The deer and the hunter
Over the pass and under the slew
His ol' gun pulled, the bullet flew.
It knocked that deer, into two.
He took from it, what he could.
He did with it what he should.
As he took from this deer
There come from behind a chilling sneer.
He turned to see what was there
It was not coyotes or even a bear
Yet it was the fawn from which he took
The one they show in picture books.
The old man went home to his wife .
He was thankful and cut with his knife.
Days would pass and months would flow
Soon it came for the old man to go.
His wife did cry but knew what to do
Over the pass and under the slew
Lay the man for which she knew.
Time would grow and she too would go
But as his grave grew older yet
Mounds of grass would topple it.
And from this grass the deer were drawn
One for which was that fawn
Who grew so old, big and strong
And one shot later she too was gone.
And once again there sneered the fawn.
His ol' gun pulled, the bullet flew.
It knocked that deer, into two.
He took from it, what he could.
He did with it what he should.
As he took from this deer
There come from behind a chilling sneer.
He turned to see what was there
It was not coyotes or even a bear
Yet it was the fawn from which he took
The one they show in picture books.
The old man went home to his wife .
He was thankful and cut with his knife.
Days would pass and months would flow
Soon it came for the old man to go.
His wife did cry but knew what to do
Over the pass and under the slew
Lay the man for which she knew.
Time would grow and she too would go
But as his grave grew older yet
Mounds of grass would topple it.
And from this grass the deer were drawn
One for which was that fawn
Who grew so old, big and strong
And one shot later she too was gone.
And once again there sneered the fawn.
Load that shotgun. Cock it twice. Hold it up. And aim real nice. Pull back that trigger. And watch me die.
What is Love?
Love is a word I cant describe
where many people waste their time, but I do know one thing
Love is the ultimate sacrifice.
where many people waste their time, but I do know one thing
Love is the ultimate sacrifice.
Me Mind
I dont know what to dowith myself.
This mind of mine is my own hell.
Dont ask to help me
If you cant be me
Ask me to clear my head
Ask me to make my bed
And thoughts of you
Wishing I was dead
Will cross through my head.
This mind of mine is my own hell.
Dont ask to help me
If you cant be me
Ask me to clear my head
Ask me to make my bed
And thoughts of you
Wishing I was dead
Will cross through my head.
to you mr scoots
Its been a 'sad' week heRE in this part of the STates. Two young men from this area dIed aNd Scoots has asked that he be removed from SAPS. I took it to his bEst interest and i "killed" him from SAPS. RIP SCoots, it was a good run my friEnd.
Pleasure From Fault.....Faulty Pleasure?
In human nature, we are bound to fuck up. Sooner or later. The thing that makes fault even more unbearable for the bearer is when someone actually enjoys the taste of fault...embarassment, whatever the feeling. There are people in the world that are sadists. There are people who are quite the opposite, although rare these people can be found. Its amazing how these types of people have abstained from such feeling. One thing though that gives us more choices in life is intelligence. With intelligence we are able to learn from our mistakes. "We fall in order to pick ourselves up." "You learn to crawl so you learn how to walk."
Therefore, isn't that considered faulty pleasure? Faulty by dictionary meaning is... adj. Containing a fault or defect; imperfect or defective. Pleasure by definition is The state or feeling of being pleased or gratified.
In essence, if I add Faulty and Pleasure I get something around bouts of defective gratification. Short term pleasure by hate, greed, jeaously, once again insert whatever negative feeling that floats your boat. Then again, I suppose its all just human nature, but a rhetorical question is "When have we crossed that line of human nature and complete negativity?"
Therefore, isn't that considered faulty pleasure? Faulty by dictionary meaning is... adj. Containing a fault or defect; imperfect or defective. Pleasure by definition is The state or feeling of being pleased or gratified.
In essence, if I add Faulty and Pleasure I get something around bouts of defective gratification. Short term pleasure by hate, greed, jeaously, once again insert whatever negative feeling that floats your boat. Then again, I suppose its all just human nature, but a rhetorical question is "When have we crossed that line of human nature and complete negativity?"
Welcome back
The day has come. Today was the first in over since I finally got to hang out with FEZ. It was one of the greatest times I have had in long time. For the 4-5 hours, it was the crew back in its original form and function. He's here till the 5 of July so lets all say Fuck the fourth and celebrate Fez arrival.
A Theory
Bear with me on this theory, it sounds a bit crazy but I'm throwin this out there to everyone.
Theory: Humans came from two gigantic beings (later formed into Gee-Whiz) that are sent through time & space to this place we call earth.
Birth of humans, from an almighty being known as God or w/e supreme being you'd like to throw in the blank. How was this almighty being formed? There probably is a story or some shit that explains how god came to be...blah...blah...blah... but here is an idea I thought of.
What if two gigantic life forms that looked human, both given extraordinary traits. Formed together to make one. I speculate that one being would be a gigantic blob of bright material that possessed positive thoughts, the other being the opposite dark and filled with negative thoughts. Combined, these two would form a shade of grey where everything would be thrown into, therefore causing a major consicousness to arise (Gee-Whiz)
This thing would then like a sponge, bud off, but these buddings would not be as complete as the original. With each more and more being budded off, the lesser and lesser the "potentcy" of the buddings. These buddings would then be sent through time & space to take place inside of a fetus and develop. To make baby humans.
Ok so here's an equation if you didn't get what I just wrote above.
Positive thoughts + negative thoughts = Gee Whiz
Gee Whiz divides for eternity.
Man continues to spread like a virus.
Theory: Humans came from two gigantic beings (later formed into Gee-Whiz) that are sent through time & space to this place we call earth.
Birth of humans, from an almighty being known as God or w/e supreme being you'd like to throw in the blank. How was this almighty being formed? There probably is a story or some shit that explains how god came to be...blah...blah...blah... but here is an idea I thought of.
What if two gigantic life forms that looked human, both given extraordinary traits. Formed together to make one. I speculate that one being would be a gigantic blob of bright material that possessed positive thoughts, the other being the opposite dark and filled with negative thoughts. Combined, these two would form a shade of grey where everything would be thrown into, therefore causing a major consicousness to arise (Gee-Whiz)
This thing would then like a sponge, bud off, but these buddings would not be as complete as the original. With each more and more being budded off, the lesser and lesser the "potentcy" of the buddings. These buddings would then be sent through time & space to take place inside of a fetus and develop. To make baby humans.
Ok so here's an equation if you didn't get what I just wrote above.
Positive thoughts + negative thoughts = Gee Whiz
Gee Whiz divides for eternity.
Man continues to spread like a virus.
The not so super, superheros.
Superheros. The figures of our childhood, of our wants, needs, pain and imagination. Superheros or heros in general are an amazing feature of our society. But what makes them such a hit? After a recent conversation with former member The Surgeon, I have brought each main character into thought.
Superman-Alter Ego is Clark Kent, super strong, x-ray vison, can hear anything, can fly,compassionate, fast as light, looks human but hes from another planet. His weakness is kryptonite, the one iteam that can bring the "Man of Steel" to his knees.
Batman-Alter Ego is Bruce Wayne, rich, motivated, strong,smart, badass and cunning. His weakness is he is human.
Wolverine-Super strong, can heal in seconds, has claws that come out of hands, badass, freelance. His weakness is magnets and he is almost human.
(this is just a sample)
Look back at these characters and one thing comes to mind. They all posses almost human like characteristics. Superman is compassionate. Batman is human. Wolverine is partial. Looking back however, we seem to enjoy the idea of humans or something close to us triumphing over 'evil' no matter how it is done. We also like the idea that all heros are flawed. Or basically, the heros are not immmortal that instantly they too could die. But what really drives it(what I believe) is that they model what we want to be or the abilities we would like to have mixed with the responsibilities.
All in all they are the better us in our eyes. The not so super, superheros.
Superman-Alter Ego is Clark Kent, super strong, x-ray vison, can hear anything, can fly,compassionate, fast as light, looks human but hes from another planet. His weakness is kryptonite, the one iteam that can bring the "Man of Steel" to his knees.
Batman-Alter Ego is Bruce Wayne, rich, motivated, strong,smart, badass and cunning. His weakness is he is human.
Wolverine-Super strong, can heal in seconds, has claws that come out of hands, badass, freelance. His weakness is magnets and he is almost human.
(this is just a sample)
Look back at these characters and one thing comes to mind. They all posses almost human like characteristics. Superman is compassionate. Batman is human. Wolverine is partial. Looking back however, we seem to enjoy the idea of humans or something close to us triumphing over 'evil' no matter how it is done. We also like the idea that all heros are flawed. Or basically, the heros are not immmortal that instantly they too could die. But what really drives it(what I believe) is that they model what we want to be or the abilities we would like to have mixed with the responsibilities.
All in all they are the better us in our eyes. The not so super, superheros.
Back to The SAPPY roots
I have come to realize that in most recent events S.A.P.S has fallen from its roots and original purpose. It became a place for personal rants and dramatic attacks on specific people by my/our easily misinterpetable writings. So I(we) come to you as the reader. In full front force, in devotion to making this blog as true to its purpose as possible.
I was tied to a chair in a room with only one light. The light was right above me. I was wearing my usual fancy tie, no shirt, suit coat, hole infested blue jeans mixed with the occasional blood splatter stain every time the two brutes hit me. They wanted answers and all I did was smile. Each time they would ask a question I would pull my head up and smile a pretty blood gushing smile. Then the two fucking brutes would look at each other, then me, then start punching again. Yes Im fucking insane. Yes I have lost my mind. They want me to speak, and all I want to do is smile.
Rosa, this girl from down the street, is tending her garden in her usual red apron red clogs red weed cutter uniform. Shes fucking insane. Everyday I walk by her she says "Well howdy neighbor, how do you do?" I respond nicely with a "Not too bad, yourself?" as I walk on by. My cig always burns to the filter at this point. I ash it then I flick it in her Garden as she watches this little ball of flame glide through the air and into her precious Garden. All she can do is smile. She goes back to tending her garden and I continue walking.
I go to the house of the man I know as Obi Scat Cat. Hes the man with connections. He knows anyone and everyone. His house is this small rundown shack on the corner of 5th and Smith. I knock three times. If you knock once or twice, its a sign that you really dont care. If you knock 4 or more its excessive and shows signs of obsessive and stupid behavior. Three times is just right. I light up another cig just as the door opens. Two tough guys open the door and let me in. Obi Scat Cat is sitting at the table. He gets up and we greet like ol'buddies we are. The ol' Hand shake to hug greeting. "Whats with the new cats?" I say. Cats are what we call the tough guys who answer the door and keep security. "Im on high alert for now and I need some faces to cover my traces" Obi Scat Cat says. " You don't look too happy Scat" Only close trusted friends can call Obi Scat Cat, Scat. "I got this feelin' that some good pals of mine are tryin to fuck wit me.". "Who would fuck with you? The network of all people?" I respond as smoke slowly emerges from my mouth."I got this hunch that somehow Rockstar has something to do wit it. I want you to help me get to the bottom of this you dig?". I pull out another smoke from my pocket and offer it to Scat. He shakes his head horizontally so I light it for myself. (Inhale) "Sure Scat, Let me get my boys and we'll find out for ya as long as you give me all the(exhale) information you know." I say. He nods and reaches over to shake my hand. "Listen Scat I've got your back, now its time to-" Scat's phone rings. Its this dame, Olympa, she wanted to know when we were all getting together. We called her 'Limp' for short. Scat hung up the phone the moment I smashed my cig in the ashtray. He looked satisfied, so I smiled.
I decided to leave my boys outta this until shit gets heavy, if it does. I knocked on Rockstars door three times. He answered a little worried. He knew something was up. I tried a little talking but that shit ain't his style. So we played music for awhile and the talking sorta came out. The conversation was geared towards anything but Obi Scat Cat. He wouldn't talk. All he could talk about was music. Thats it. He didn't want trouble and hes a good pal of mine so I didn't disrepect his wants in his own house. We started to play some meaningful music that made him smile.
Scat had arranged the annual meeting. We all sat at this big fucking table in a smoke filled room playing poker. Scat always sat in the middle and I sat to his right. To his left was Charles aka Chuck. The three of us were considered the elite three of the group. Around the circle in clockwise formation sat Scat,Chuck, Rockstar, Fish, Cuts, Vids and Me. Tonight though was a different lineup. Scat invited the dame Limp. She was new to this group and our business actions. Scat and Chuck gave her a smile and I was my fucking self. "So what brings pretty Limp walking down here?" I sarcastically say. She's a rookie to this whole Poker thing. In no time shes down a dub. I puff my cig and watch as Scat takes the final game like usual. He looks at his chips then at Limp. Chucks is his usual weird nice. Me and the non elite members are joking around while Scat and Chuck smile at Limp.
More and more 'meetings' would come till finally at the end of one of them. Everyone else starts leaving. I was last to leave but before I could step on the stair to leave, Limp abruptly grabs me by the arm. She drags me onto the concrete floored room away from the group. "We need to talk" the dame says. I look at her hand thats holding my arm "About what?" and I pull my arm out from her grasp."Your the only one in the group I can trust" she says. Shes has her eyes looking at me like a poor innocent sweet cat. Her cute face is fancied by an out of style feathered hooker boa that raps around her neck. She grabs my arm again and says "I need you to figure somethings out for me. It's about Rockstar, I like him and I need you to find out if he likes me ya know what I'm sayin!? And Dammit keep it 'in the alley' lets keep this between you and me." Her grip gets tighter. Once again I rip my hand out from her grip. I grab a smoke from pocket and light it up. (exhale)"I'll see what I can do." The dame was relieved that I agreed to help. I gained her trust. She knew I had no attraction for her. She also knew of my connections and that my feelings for her cant get in the way since I have none for her. I walk up the stairs to the door. I stop and turn around and see the dame showing her pearly whites. I smiled back.
I did my usually route and said my greetings to Rosa. I met with Scat to talk about the progress I was making. "Hey Scat, we need to talk. Its about us boys playing Poker. I think something is up". He looks at me in the eyes then down at the floor. "I feel the same. It's no fun anymore. Theres this negativity in the air." We decided to consult Chuck on his views with this situation to see if hes got information for us. I pick up my phone and dial him up.
"Hey" he says gruffly
"Yo we need to talk about some shit" I say
"About what?"
"Pokers dying damn it, and it seems to be takin the group down with it." I say cautiously.
"I know man, I feel the same way."
I look over my shoulder to Scat looking at me concerned.
"We need to figure up whats up now before shit starts to fly."
"I agree, I'll see what I can do"he says
I look over at Scat and hes more concerned then ever. He looks at me and says,"I got a call from Limp, she needs my help." I look at him like what the fuck is going on. "Wait a sec-what does she want you do?". He looks at me in the eye and tells me that she wants help on getting Rockstar to be her man. "Fuck man! That dame wants me to do the same, she said to keep it secret!" I burst in confused anger. Another cig flings to my mouth. We pull up chairs at the old table. Scat says to me in a concerned voice "I guess if this is what she wants we might as well try to help her". I respond (with cig in mouth and trying to light it) "I guess". Scat gives me the worried smile, I give him back the 'this-could-be-a-fucking-set up' smile.
I made a stop at Rockstar's house to get some shit straightened. I tried to make him go limp over Limp. All I could get from him was "I'm not sure if I like her but I think shes good and all but theres a chance I could. I really want this gal Kats McKat, but I wouldn't mind Limp." Kats was a mysterious dame. I've met her once, but I don't know much about the dame. All he did was give me the "I do, I don't" response. He was taking middle ground. I notified Scat and Limp on what was going on. I told'em that Rockstar said there was a chance for a "Limp and Rockstar".Scat was worried as was I. Limp on the other got happy. She was smiling.
Scat and Limp would get more involved. He told her everything, and she did the same. The thing with Limp and Chuck was also building. The Limp and Rockstar situation was the same. Except for the fact she kept demanding we get more involved and 'get him to want her'. More and more Rockstar was backing outta the group. We got suspicious and decided to take it to the next level, besides you don't just back out for no reason. We tried all we could or so we thought. Obi Scat Cat calls me up at the lean part of the night.
"Who the fu-" I say before being interrupted
"GET the fuck over here. I ain't got time to explain cause shit will never be the same!" Obi Scat Cat says angrily.
I hustle my sorry ass over with guns loaded and my cig burning. I knock out out both the cats, bunch of novices. I knock three times, but no answer. I instinctively kick the door open with my nines held before me. Scat is there looking me in the face with a shotgun doing the same. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I say. Scat looks at me and around me. "SHIT AINT FLY AND I THINK ROCKSTAR IS THE GUY!!" Scat shouts. I say "AND WHAT ABOUT THIS SHIT WITH LIMPS!?" Scat looks at me and says "IF I AM HOLDING THEM BACK THEY MIGHT AS WELL JUST DISCONNECT THE CHORD, SEVERE THEIR CONNECTION!! WE MUST FOLLOW WITH MY NEW PLAN-RID OF ROCKSTAR, AND ALL THAT ARE CONNECTED. BECAUSE THIS CONDUCTOR AINT PLAYING THEIR MUSIC!" So we bust over to his car but as Scat steps over the cats and he says "TODAYS LESSON:DOG MEAT!!" Scat takes the wheel and burns out in a fury. Tonight shit hits the fan, tonight we drop the bomb. Oh the smile I had.
We went to Rockstars house and told him we needed to meet at Limps corner. He agreed and met us there. Cuts and fish came with us to make sure we didnt leave a mess. They also made sure to let us do our thing. Obi Scat took a deep breathe of hate and exhaled. "Limps, Rockstar" he said"This has to stop. Tonight, I end it. Tommorow I reap the rewards of tonight." Limps cautiously approaches as does Rockstar. "Whats up Obi Scat Cat, whats the prob-" "Problem?PROBLEM!? The PROBLEM miss Olympa is this using shit. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING A FUCKING DATING SERVICE!! LIMPS AM I A DATING SERVICE TO YOU!?" says Scat. ""N-" says Rockstar before being interrupted "I AM NOT YOUR DATING BITCH! I AM THE NETWORK, THE SHIT THAT KEEPS OUR SHIT SOLID, PROFITABLE AND YOUR FUCKING WITH ME AS A BUSINESS MAN AND A FUCKING HUMAN, WE WERE FRIENDS!!!" The air was dead. We asked Rockstar to get in the car. Cuts and fish decided to leave and stay low for awhile. He undeniable agreed. Before we sped off I looked at Limps and she was smiling.
Scat and I took Rockstar for a little ride up to the water hole. When we got there, we drew our guns to his head as he did the same. I yelled "All we want is some fucking answers!"he responded by saying "So do I, Goddammit!". Lightening strikes and seconds later, the rain pours down. Any harder and it would be hail. I yell "You know why we're here Rockstar!". Scat's eyebrows sink into a furious rage and says "Fucking Rockstar! After all We've done for you! You were there when I lost my pops and took over the business. YOU WERE THERE from the beginning and now you decide to stabe me in the back!?(gun steadies in his hand) I'm fucking through with this shit!(his thumb slowly pulls back the hammer). All we wanted was to help you and Limp become one and make this problem go away, but Noooo thats not what Rockstar wants, he wants to keep telling us 'I dos' and 'I donts'. (the rain has already soaked us like we were swimming in our clothes) It's time we rid-rather I rid of this problem right now!" Before he could pull the trigger Rockstar responds "Is this what all this shits been about!? Limps? Did she send you here or what!? The whole fucking reason I backed away a little from the group was because of this!?" I yell, "Because of what!?" Rockstar drops his gun in the mud before him. "Because of Limps! Hasn't she told you?" Scat and I look at each other confused. "All that dame has said was that you are expressing interest in her and that you would go out with her sorta thing" I say. Rockstar looks at me in his drenched clothing and says "What the fuck? Awhile back, like a day or so afta that first meeting with her I told her twice(holds up fingers) that I didn't want her at all. I said just as a friend, but fuck man, I told her straight that all I wanted was Kats!" I drop my gun before me and drop a punch on Rockstars pretty little wet face. I start wailing on him, "Fuck, fuck man why couldnt you tell us that along time ago motha fucker!?". Scat grabs my arm as Rockstar speaks "I thought she told you, I thought you guys just had it out for me, like you back stabbed me. I didn't know!" His arm swipes across his nose to wipe the blood. "Fuck man, that really hurt!" Rockstar squeezes out. I drop to my knees in the mud. Have we been made fools? Have we been used to destroy something innocent? It was this moment we all had realized what had happened and that a war was brewing. I grabbed my mud covered gun and got up off my knees. The rain started to get heavier and the wind started to gust with force. I smiled a wicked smile. I tossed Rockstar my gun and patted Scat on the back. I told'em in a soft voice "The mud is warm".
Rosa, this girl from down the street, is tending her garden in her usual red apron red clogs red weed cutter uniform. Shes fucking insane. Everyday I walk by her she says "Well howdy neighbor, how do you do?" I respond nicely with a "Not too bad, yourself?" as I walk on by. My cig always burns to the filter at this point. I ash it then I flick it in her Garden as she watches this little ball of flame glide through the air and into her precious Garden. All she can do is smile. She goes back to tending her garden and I continue walking.
I go to the house of the man I know as Obi Scat Cat. Hes the man with connections. He knows anyone and everyone. His house is this small rundown shack on the corner of 5th and Smith. I knock three times. If you knock once or twice, its a sign that you really dont care. If you knock 4 or more its excessive and shows signs of obsessive and stupid behavior. Three times is just right. I light up another cig just as the door opens. Two tough guys open the door and let me in. Obi Scat Cat is sitting at the table. He gets up and we greet like ol'buddies we are. The ol' Hand shake to hug greeting. "Whats with the new cats?" I say. Cats are what we call the tough guys who answer the door and keep security. "Im on high alert for now and I need some faces to cover my traces" Obi Scat Cat says. " You don't look too happy Scat" Only close trusted friends can call Obi Scat Cat, Scat. "I got this feelin' that some good pals of mine are tryin to fuck wit me.". "Who would fuck with you? The network of all people?" I respond as smoke slowly emerges from my mouth."I got this hunch that somehow Rockstar has something to do wit it. I want you to help me get to the bottom of this you dig?". I pull out another smoke from my pocket and offer it to Scat. He shakes his head horizontally so I light it for myself. (Inhale) "Sure Scat, Let me get my boys and we'll find out for ya as long as you give me all the(exhale) information you know." I say. He nods and reaches over to shake my hand. "Listen Scat I've got your back, now its time to-" Scat's phone rings. Its this dame, Olympa, she wanted to know when we were all getting together. We called her 'Limp' for short. Scat hung up the phone the moment I smashed my cig in the ashtray. He looked satisfied, so I smiled.
I decided to leave my boys outta this until shit gets heavy, if it does. I knocked on Rockstars door three times. He answered a little worried. He knew something was up. I tried a little talking but that shit ain't his style. So we played music for awhile and the talking sorta came out. The conversation was geared towards anything but Obi Scat Cat. He wouldn't talk. All he could talk about was music. Thats it. He didn't want trouble and hes a good pal of mine so I didn't disrepect his wants in his own house. We started to play some meaningful music that made him smile.
Scat had arranged the annual meeting. We all sat at this big fucking table in a smoke filled room playing poker. Scat always sat in the middle and I sat to his right. To his left was Charles aka Chuck. The three of us were considered the elite three of the group. Around the circle in clockwise formation sat Scat,Chuck, Rockstar, Fish, Cuts, Vids and Me. Tonight though was a different lineup. Scat invited the dame Limp. She was new to this group and our business actions. Scat and Chuck gave her a smile and I was my fucking self. "So what brings pretty Limp walking down here?" I sarcastically say. She's a rookie to this whole Poker thing. In no time shes down a dub. I puff my cig and watch as Scat takes the final game like usual. He looks at his chips then at Limp. Chucks is his usual weird nice. Me and the non elite members are joking around while Scat and Chuck smile at Limp.
More and more 'meetings' would come till finally at the end of one of them. Everyone else starts leaving. I was last to leave but before I could step on the stair to leave, Limp abruptly grabs me by the arm. She drags me onto the concrete floored room away from the group. "We need to talk" the dame says. I look at her hand thats holding my arm "About what?" and I pull my arm out from her grasp."Your the only one in the group I can trust" she says. Shes has her eyes looking at me like a poor innocent sweet cat. Her cute face is fancied by an out of style feathered hooker boa that raps around her neck. She grabs my arm again and says "I need you to figure somethings out for me. It's about Rockstar, I like him and I need you to find out if he likes me ya know what I'm sayin!? And Dammit keep it 'in the alley' lets keep this between you and me." Her grip gets tighter. Once again I rip my hand out from her grip. I grab a smoke from pocket and light it up. (exhale)"I'll see what I can do." The dame was relieved that I agreed to help. I gained her trust. She knew I had no attraction for her. She also knew of my connections and that my feelings for her cant get in the way since I have none for her. I walk up the stairs to the door. I stop and turn around and see the dame showing her pearly whites. I smiled back.
I did my usually route and said my greetings to Rosa. I met with Scat to talk about the progress I was making. "Hey Scat, we need to talk. Its about us boys playing Poker. I think something is up". He looks at me in the eyes then down at the floor. "I feel the same. It's no fun anymore. Theres this negativity in the air." We decided to consult Chuck on his views with this situation to see if hes got information for us. I pick up my phone and dial him up.
"Hey" he says gruffly
"Yo we need to talk about some shit" I say
"About what?"
"Pokers dying damn it, and it seems to be takin the group down with it." I say cautiously.
"I know man, I feel the same way."
I look over my shoulder to Scat looking at me concerned.
"We need to figure up whats up now before shit starts to fly."
"I agree, I'll see what I can do"he says
I look over at Scat and hes more concerned then ever. He looks at me and says,"I got a call from Limp, she needs my help." I look at him like what the fuck is going on. "Wait a sec-what does she want you do?". He looks at me in the eye and tells me that she wants help on getting Rockstar to be her man. "Fuck man! That dame wants me to do the same, she said to keep it secret!" I burst in confused anger. Another cig flings to my mouth. We pull up chairs at the old table. Scat says to me in a concerned voice "I guess if this is what she wants we might as well try to help her". I respond (with cig in mouth and trying to light it) "I guess". Scat gives me the worried smile, I give him back the 'this-could-be-a-fucking-set up' smile.
I made a stop at Rockstar's house to get some shit straightened. I tried to make him go limp over Limp. All I could get from him was "I'm not sure if I like her but I think shes good and all but theres a chance I could. I really want this gal Kats McKat, but I wouldn't mind Limp." Kats was a mysterious dame. I've met her once, but I don't know much about the dame. All he did was give me the "I do, I don't" response. He was taking middle ground. I notified Scat and Limp on what was going on. I told'em that Rockstar said there was a chance for a "Limp and Rockstar".Scat was worried as was I. Limp on the other got happy. She was smiling.
Scat and Limp would get more involved. He told her everything, and she did the same. The thing with Limp and Chuck was also building. The Limp and Rockstar situation was the same. Except for the fact she kept demanding we get more involved and 'get him to want her'. More and more Rockstar was backing outta the group. We got suspicious and decided to take it to the next level, besides you don't just back out for no reason. We tried all we could or so we thought. Obi Scat Cat calls me up at the lean part of the night.
"Who the fu-" I say before being interrupted
"GET the fuck over here. I ain't got time to explain cause shit will never be the same!" Obi Scat Cat says angrily.
I hustle my sorry ass over with guns loaded and my cig burning. I knock out out both the cats, bunch of novices. I knock three times, but no answer. I instinctively kick the door open with my nines held before me. Scat is there looking me in the face with a shotgun doing the same. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I say. Scat looks at me and around me. "SHIT AINT FLY AND I THINK ROCKSTAR IS THE GUY!!" Scat shouts. I say "AND WHAT ABOUT THIS SHIT WITH LIMPS!?" Scat looks at me and says "IF I AM HOLDING THEM BACK THEY MIGHT AS WELL JUST DISCONNECT THE CHORD, SEVERE THEIR CONNECTION!! WE MUST FOLLOW WITH MY NEW PLAN-RID OF ROCKSTAR, AND ALL THAT ARE CONNECTED. BECAUSE THIS CONDUCTOR AINT PLAYING THEIR MUSIC!" So we bust over to his car but as Scat steps over the cats and he says "TODAYS LESSON:DOG MEAT!!" Scat takes the wheel and burns out in a fury. Tonight shit hits the fan, tonight we drop the bomb. Oh the smile I had.
We went to Rockstars house and told him we needed to meet at Limps corner. He agreed and met us there. Cuts and fish came with us to make sure we didnt leave a mess. They also made sure to let us do our thing. Obi Scat took a deep breathe of hate and exhaled. "Limps, Rockstar" he said"This has to stop. Tonight, I end it. Tommorow I reap the rewards of tonight." Limps cautiously approaches as does Rockstar. "Whats up Obi Scat Cat, whats the prob-" "Problem?PROBLEM!? The PROBLEM miss Olympa is this using shit. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING A FUCKING DATING SERVICE!! LIMPS AM I A DATING SERVICE TO YOU!?" says Scat. ""N-" says Rockstar before being interrupted "I AM NOT YOUR DATING BITCH! I AM THE NETWORK, THE SHIT THAT KEEPS OUR SHIT SOLID, PROFITABLE AND YOUR FUCKING WITH ME AS A BUSINESS MAN AND A FUCKING HUMAN, WE WERE FRIENDS!!!" The air was dead. We asked Rockstar to get in the car. Cuts and fish decided to leave and stay low for awhile. He undeniable agreed. Before we sped off I looked at Limps and she was smiling.
Scat and I took Rockstar for a little ride up to the water hole. When we got there, we drew our guns to his head as he did the same. I yelled "All we want is some fucking answers!"he responded by saying "So do I, Goddammit!". Lightening strikes and seconds later, the rain pours down. Any harder and it would be hail. I yell "You know why we're here Rockstar!". Scat's eyebrows sink into a furious rage and says "Fucking Rockstar! After all We've done for you! You were there when I lost my pops and took over the business. YOU WERE THERE from the beginning and now you decide to stabe me in the back!?(gun steadies in his hand) I'm fucking through with this shit!(his thumb slowly pulls back the hammer). All we wanted was to help you and Limp become one and make this problem go away, but Noooo thats not what Rockstar wants, he wants to keep telling us 'I dos' and 'I donts'. (the rain has already soaked us like we were swimming in our clothes) It's time we rid-rather I rid of this problem right now!" Before he could pull the trigger Rockstar responds "Is this what all this shits been about!? Limps? Did she send you here or what!? The whole fucking reason I backed away a little from the group was because of this!?" I yell, "Because of what!?" Rockstar drops his gun in the mud before him. "Because of Limps! Hasn't she told you?" Scat and I look at each other confused. "All that dame has said was that you are expressing interest in her and that you would go out with her sorta thing" I say. Rockstar looks at me in his drenched clothing and says "What the fuck? Awhile back, like a day or so afta that first meeting with her I told her twice(holds up fingers) that I didn't want her at all. I said just as a friend, but fuck man, I told her straight that all I wanted was Kats!" I drop my gun before me and drop a punch on Rockstars pretty little wet face. I start wailing on him, "Fuck, fuck man why couldnt you tell us that along time ago motha fucker!?". Scat grabs my arm as Rockstar speaks "I thought she told you, I thought you guys just had it out for me, like you back stabbed me. I didn't know!" His arm swipes across his nose to wipe the blood. "Fuck man, that really hurt!" Rockstar squeezes out. I drop to my knees in the mud. Have we been made fools? Have we been used to destroy something innocent? It was this moment we all had realized what had happened and that a war was brewing. I grabbed my mud covered gun and got up off my knees. The rain started to get heavier and the wind started to gust with force. I smiled a wicked smile. I tossed Rockstar my gun and patted Scat on the back. I told'em in a soft voice "The mud is warm".
When I think I pulled the plug--I'm still connected
When I'm told to not beat around the bush, I do-But those who say it to me dont do the same
When I think I have the question to the answer-More questions piled up
It seems as if Im the grownup walking into a kids room at night-Everytime I do the kids cover themselves with a blanket.
Supposedly I've started a war without firing a shot.
If this is how they want it I say, "I hope your happy".
When I'm told to not beat around the bush, I do-But those who say it to me dont do the same
When I think I have the question to the answer-More questions piled up
It seems as if Im the grownup walking into a kids room at night-Everytime I do the kids cover themselves with a blanket.
Supposedly I've started a war without firing a shot.
If this is how they want it I say, "I hope your happy".
I've found something.
Something that can set me free.
Put it all behind me.
I've felt something intensly wrong.
Something that is not me.
I've been plagued by burdens that were not even of my nature.
I broke free from him.
I broke free from not only him, but everyone else.
I cannot take it anymore.
I'm gonna cut my losses
Believe Me
I guess,
That this is where we've come to,
If you don't want to,
Then you don't have to,
Believe me,
But I, won't be there when you go down,
Just so you know now,
You're on your own now, believe me.
Something that can set me free.
Put it all behind me.
I've felt something intensly wrong.
Something that is not me.
I've been plagued by burdens that were not even of my nature.
I broke free from him.
I broke free from not only him, but everyone else.
I cannot take it anymore.
I'm gonna cut my losses
Believe Me
I guess,
That this is where we've come to,
If you don't want to,
Then you don't have to,
Believe me,
But I, won't be there when you go down,
Just so you know now,
You're on your own now, believe me.
Release Me
I'll leave off with this...
I wanna sit here
Sit here with you
Listen to what you have to say
Cause I really do care
I have a lot to say too
To see you smile once again and say "Hey!"
Put another smile on my face
It keeps my head in place
It keeps my heart right where it belongs
I wanna sit here
Sit here with you
Listen to what you have to say
Cause I really do care
I have a lot to say too
To see you smile once again and say "Hey!"
Put another smile on my face
It keeps my head in place
It keeps my heart right where it belongs
She was all that and then some
A bucket full of human cum
What she wanted she never did get
The choices she made made us all regret
The reason the cause it was all unclear
She must be the cancer and we must be the cure.
A bucket full of human cum
What she wanted she never did get
The choices she made made us all regret
The reason the cause it was all unclear
She must be the cancer and we must be the cure.
Dont answer the phone
Dont speak a word
Hide from it all
Grab your ammunition
Say a prayer or two
Watch it get closer
Dont answer the phone
Dont speak a word
Hide from it all
Grab your ammunition
Say a prayer or two
Watch it get closer
Choose your path
It is to with out my control the inevitable truth that the end for Scoots is near. It is not however due to hatred amongst us or any negativity between him and or me. He will be leaving on his own terms, just as soon as someone can fill in. His reasons are that due to "all I bring to SAPS is negativity and I dont want that for SAPS or myself". I respect his choice and the time and honor
it was to have his mind and writing presence to be included with mine. It goes to say that Scoots has made this choice purly on his own and not manipulated by others and I greatly respect the choice he has made. His prescence here will be greatly missed when hes gone. So to you Scoots I say be wise and I hope you have choosen the greater path.

/cmd ~System RST? Yes/No... Yes
I've come a long way.
So this is it.
I've been told to confront the problem.
To destroy negativity.
To do all this and that.
When really I didn't look at what I needed.
I needed peace, not this fake peace, because below this fake peace is war.
Perhaps its not war but it is...another one of the negative outlets that seems to run free on this blog.
And so it seems as the final days of my time on here.
Before I became a member of S.A.P.S I was free, I was pure, (in my eyes and thats all that matters)
Since I've been here, nothing has come of it, in fact only weight has been added to me mentally.
I'm not here in anger nor in glee, I am here calm as President Lincoln's face on the penny.
I am here simply to cash out my chips and walk out the doors and go back home. I'm through with the fake sound of progress. From my very birth into this blog...."The joy of restarting again is a very emotional process but its the way of the better path." It still stands true. Peace out my friends, I'm off to go see the lights of town, and dance the night away.
So this is it.
I've been told to confront the problem.
To destroy negativity.
To do all this and that.
When really I didn't look at what I needed.
I needed peace, not this fake peace, because below this fake peace is war.
Perhaps its not war but it is...another one of the negative outlets that seems to run free on this blog.
And so it seems as the final days of my time on here.
Before I became a member of S.A.P.S I was free, I was pure, (in my eyes and thats all that matters)
Since I've been here, nothing has come of it, in fact only weight has been added to me mentally.
I'm not here in anger nor in glee, I am here calm as President Lincoln's face on the penny.
I am here simply to cash out my chips and walk out the doors and go back home. I'm through with the fake sound of progress. From my very birth into this blog...."The joy of restarting again is a very emotional process but its the way of the better path." It still stands true. Peace out my friends, I'm off to go see the lights of town, and dance the night away.
Change-the inevitable reflection of situation(s) we are thrown in too. The essence of change has only two degrees:Negative and Positive. It is in these two degrees for which we reflect our ideals of change and how it should be met in our eyes. In the sense of negativity, people who have had a bad experience do to something or someone changing, are more than likely to fear change altogether. The same can also be said of change in the positive light. What is remarkable is that change in the negative light is more exposed in the person or something that is changing. This happens more than the positive. The positive light of change seems to go unnoticed and and is subconsciously accepted and overlooked.
Conditonal believing
Today I took a bouncy ball and repeatidly bouncied the ball off a wall. I kept this going until I reached the state where I could do it "with my eyes closed". I was then hit with this theory I call "conditional believing". If I were to keep this going(bouncing the ball off the wall), what would happen if the lights were shut off? Would I start to believe that the ball is still there even though I cant see it? Or would the belief that the ball would hit off the same mark cause me to believe that ball will be bounce back in my hand?
The same can be said about religion. Have we been conditioned to believe that God is there when he may not be?
The same can be said about religion. Have we been conditioned to believe that God is there when he may not be?
Look into the light
Ive seen the brighter light.
Ive stared it down so awwed.
I watched as it got closer.
Its brightness lured me in.
The amazement and glory .
I stood there as the light got brighter.
Then at the last second I jumped away from it.
Was i afraid to go into the light?
Has darkness grabbed and pulled me away?
If only I would have heard the sign earlier.
If I would have never moved, that Semi would have killed me.
Ive stared it down so awwed.
I watched as it got closer.
Its brightness lured me in.
The amazement and glory .
I stood there as the light got brighter.
Then at the last second I jumped away from it.
Was i afraid to go into the light?
Has darkness grabbed and pulled me away?
If only I would have heard the sign earlier.
If I would have never moved, that Semi would have killed me.
Death Theory
Death is nothing more important than being born.
Some believe that its a basis of a cycle-you know the whole idea that you come in wrinkled and useless and you go out wrinkled and useless.
Alot of people look at death as a gloomy means of life that is inevitable for us all.
Lots of people see it as a gloomy time but they also view it as a passing into eternal life.
People in some retrospects believe we are like a lightbulb. As soon as we burn out were done.
In essence all of these 'theories' and or beliefs are right in context but one perspective has to be looked at in a more scrutinized role.Grieving. Why is death so painful?Why is birth so glorious?
In some situations, the birth hurts more to others physically than does death.
To me one should look at death as if its birth. Death for the deceased is in truth a perfect birth. When one dies, they are born into a painfree world whether you believe in eternal life or not. Birth into this 'life' brings to a place where we feel pain and suffering mixed in with glory and happiness. The drama that makes life alive. Without drama , no pain all gain=death.
So I say that when a loved one dies dont mourn them cause they are gone. Be happy and glorious-celebrate. Be thankful that they no longer have to suffer or burden you. If one wants to mourn, mourn the dead on the idea that they did so much good and also that you cant be dead and painfree with them.
Some believe that its a basis of a cycle-you know the whole idea that you come in wrinkled and useless and you go out wrinkled and useless.
Alot of people look at death as a gloomy means of life that is inevitable for us all.
Lots of people see it as a gloomy time but they also view it as a passing into eternal life.
People in some retrospects believe we are like a lightbulb. As soon as we burn out were done.
In essence all of these 'theories' and or beliefs are right in context but one perspective has to be looked at in a more scrutinized role.Grieving. Why is death so painful?Why is birth so glorious?
In some situations, the birth hurts more to others physically than does death.
To me one should look at death as if its birth. Death for the deceased is in truth a perfect birth. When one dies, they are born into a painfree world whether you believe in eternal life or not. Birth into this 'life' brings to a place where we feel pain and suffering mixed in with glory and happiness. The drama that makes life alive. Without drama , no pain all gain=death.
So I say that when a loved one dies dont mourn them cause they are gone. Be happy and glorious-celebrate. Be thankful that they no longer have to suffer or burden you. If one wants to mourn, mourn the dead on the idea that they did so much good and also that you cant be dead and painfree with them.
Choices as so it seems shows/makes us who we are. Based on our character, knowledge, past experiences and observations we make choices. Its not the choice that may make us who we are, but rather the situation for which one is in while making the choice(s). If one is force to make a choice based on limited selection ones character,moral and intergrity are questioned. When this happens, one may make a choice that was not supposed to be in the select group of choices. This too is a reflection of character and other things. Most times, one makes a choice based on the choices available. For people such as that, a heavy emphasis is put on ones self to make the right choice. In given time one goes over the choices and the long term effects. When not given the time one has to make quick choices. No matter what, choices reflect who we are and where we are going.
Gone but not
If you have not read, Lightmeuplester/The Surgeon has left SAPS. It brings many a question to his out-of-nowhere-disapperance. We greatly wish he would come back. I wish I could tell you that he is going to come back with a full force and that shit, but I can not. I too wish he would come back as does Scoots but as we know we cannot tell him what to do only he can. So in his rememberance I did have a bakery run by myself. He is not dead just at the moment for his own reasons, dead on here.
Rape Me
Rape me,Rape me my friend
Rape me,Rape me again
I'm not the only one
Hate me,Do it and do it again.
Waste me,Rape me my friend.
I'm not the only one
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Rape me, Rape me my friend
Rape me,Rape me again
I'm not the only one
Rape me...
(Lyrics courtesy of:Nirvanna "Rape Me")
I felt these lyrics speak volumes
Rape me,Rape me again
I'm not the only one
Hate me,Do it and do it again.
Waste me,Rape me my friend.
I'm not the only one
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Rape me, Rape me my friend
Rape me,Rape me again
I'm not the only one
Rape me...
(Lyrics courtesy of:Nirvanna "Rape Me")
I felt these lyrics speak volumes
I will
Go ahead tap my phone-taint my food-go 'religious' on me-try and scare me. I will will not back down nor be afraid. I will speak against and will raise an 'army' of followers with open minds. It is you who will be afraid.
Time is of the essence or so they say
One day your in then comes your last
You are born to die not to fly
In the essence of the message the reader must look on
His mind, her body, they comprehend each line
For another second lived is a minute of their life
Read on says the reader, die on says the time
One day your in then comes your last
You are born to die not to fly
In the essence of the message the reader must look on
His mind, her body, they comprehend each line
For another second lived is a minute of their life
Read on says the reader, die on says the time
Check out my collection of my favorite posts(ones that I wrote-sorry) by clicking the title
That marriage line "till death do us part" made me think it was this way of saying you stupid fuckers once both of you die- In the afterlife you are not united.
You just agreed upon that you would not be("death do us part").
It's all a gimmick created by Satan to sound like God, or maybe God is Satan.
I mean we all are created in his image-Goes for everything and everyone that is created.
You just agreed upon that you would not be("death do us part").
It's all a gimmick created by Satan to sound like God, or maybe God is Satan.
I mean we all are created in his image-Goes for everything and everyone that is created.
Read with a pinch of salt
I must remind others to take what I have said or am about to say and toss it. It has no meaning, nor do I. Through deep meditation and indepth revitalization I have realized that what I have said should be "taken with salt". So for that, so be it. I may just be rambling but hey whatever i say, take with salt. If you dont want me here, you remove my physical presence, because all thats left is my body.
I speakth
Aroint thee! For Arthurs Show must go on! How dare one scandal the name doth not one carry!?
We must dich rack to diffuse our splendor. For thee seekth hearth doth not one carry. Aroint thee for arthurs show mustn fail the splendor of our queens virtue.
We must dich rack to diffuse our splendor. For thee seekth hearth doth not one carry. Aroint thee for arthurs show mustn fail the splendor of our queens virtue.
Holy Bible
The Holy Bible is the word of God? That it may be.
The Holy Bible is the fuel of Satan? That it is.
Only the Holy Bible has forced upon its views on to others. Only the Holy Bible has fueled men to battle Muslims and other religions in fierce blood thirsty battles for thousands of years. Only the Holy Bible has caused divisions among friends. Only the Holy Bible was written for mistranslations to happen. Only the Holy Bible was written so unclear so that readers could get out of it what they want. Only the Holy Bible speaks the word of God and acts like Satan.
The Holy Bible is the fuel of Satan? That it is.
Only the Holy Bible has forced upon its views on to others. Only the Holy Bible has fueled men to battle Muslims and other religions in fierce blood thirsty battles for thousands of years. Only the Holy Bible has caused divisions among friends. Only the Holy Bible was written for mistranslations to happen. Only the Holy Bible was written so unclear so that readers could get out of it what they want. Only the Holy Bible speaks the word of God and acts like Satan.
10 Steps To Unleash The Devil Within ( or God)
To unleash the Devil (God) within one's self one will have to follow these simple instructions:
1. Find false truth within something you are apart of.
2. Exploit this false truth with the approval of your true peers.
3. Build up a negative feeling.
4. Understand what you must do.
5. If these steps have not been achieved, stop reading now.
6. Augment the false truth and the negative feeling.
7. Transform the negativity into a place where you can roam freely within the corrupt.
8. Keep in mind to breathe, very important to breathe.
9. As you walk within the corrupt, make sure to keep the negative feeling alive.
10. When the time is right, strike without hesitation and leave 'hurt' within the corrupt.
11. If you've followed these steps to each true extent, you'll reach pure Nirvana.
(also depending on your moral standing results will differ)
1. Find false truth within something you are apart of.
2. Exploit this false truth with the approval of your true peers.
3. Build up a negative feeling.
4. Understand what you must do.
5. If these steps have not been achieved, stop reading now.
6. Augment the false truth and the negative feeling.
7. Transform the negativity into a place where you can roam freely within the corrupt.
8. Keep in mind to breathe, very important to breathe.
9. As you walk within the corrupt, make sure to keep the negative feeling alive.
10. When the time is right, strike without hesitation and leave 'hurt' within the corrupt.
11. If you've followed these steps to each true extent, you'll reach pure Nirvana.
(also depending on your moral standing results will differ)
What Lies within High School's Shadow
The Inital Act
I can feel it swarming me.
It crawls up and down my spine.
A kind of tingling feeling.
I don't know what to do.
Scared now from the fear of the unknown.
It happens to thousands of people everyday.
I don't know how to accept it.
I begin to think about what i've accomplished.
I think about all the good times.
I think about all the bad times.
As I breathe in and out.
I can feel my troubles just washing away.
I have a sort of clear headed-ness.
I think even harder now.
The message seems fuddled.
I realize what I must do now.
All of a sudden a wash of insecurity rushes over me.
"What if I don't do it?" "Its all a lucid dream"
I push those thoughts out of my head.
I finally decide in one final act that I must become something stronger.
I must become something that could never thought of, something original.
The Aftermath
Now I realize that I had failed my goal.
I did not bring equality.
There are still thousands of people still lost in their own niche.
I look upon these people and ask how can you live like that?
Suppressing their own feelings about things.
I cannot process that in my head.
Upon these groups I do not see any just cause why these groups function like this.
I begin to retreat in Exile.
Once I get there I realize there are other people here.
They all shared the same goal I once had.
Some of them have even returned back to the unjust groups.
I know there are others like me.
But they are afraid to let go of what they keep.
To be indulged in greed, one cannot possilbly afford to lose their prestige among their group members.
They will not reach Nirvana if they have the mindset of a mindless follower that just follows the group because they all leech onto one another.
Even inside classrooms I hear things that would make the average joe school goer cringe and wonder.
All of the stories that involve drug abuse and unprotected sex always end up the same way.
The mindless people try to cover it up by "going to church and being a good boy/girl"
I begin to wonder how much it bothers them that at one point each of them had a goal and/or dream.
I am even lower now.
The feeling of everything spinning outta control is tremendous.
I think about those "old" good times.
The bad doesn't even seem bad anymore now.
I realize that I am not afraid of living the life I have.
I continue to push on, but of course in exile excluded away from the core "groups"
I go back to my Exile.
Until a new wave of group comes along and roosts me out of my exile.
I instantly get the feeling of "We are top shit badasses that would fuck some guy up." and of course the "Oh! If I see (enter name here) I'm gonna mess him up bad!" from this new group.
Again I hear this constantly.
I keep seeing the same person saying this and going by the same (enter name here from last parathesis) and saying nothing to that person.
This group tries to desperately to recruit someone who has a car.
They will continue to go from person to person trying to find some form of entertainment.
The rage within me grows to this day.
I look for hope from some other foriegn source.
A strangely acting force begins to tempt me into becoming a key member of another group.
I accept unknowingly what would happen to me.
I instantly felt the feeling of someone who is looked up upon. A strong person who is able and willing for this group.
A unknown entity begins to come to this group.
The group, from the beginning has doubts against this unknown entity.
The unknown entity takes a form of shrewed cloud around my newly joined group.
It falls into an inactive motion and stays around us for what seems like forever.
The Beginning of The End
Each day that goes by I begin to see more and more superficialality.
But... I begin to see more people that are pure of soul.
To see these people is like a godsend.
I think to myself that if I don't act immediately I could possibly let these people down.
I know that I will come off sounding as a strange character.
I don't care and I know it will not be all right because these people show signs of what I had been through.
I know that everything will be ok.
I begin to accept my fate within this group, and i realize that I am now essential to this group.
I try to consel the Pure Souls and give them hope that no matter the fake-ness of the majority of people they will encounter.
No matter the severity I hope the group will hold together.
Now I am in constant joy to know the few people that are not corrupt by the media.
I keep smiling as days go by and nobody knows "Why?"
The End of The End
Hostality and insecurity have taken over most of the group members.
Like a virus it tries to spread to all who are within.
Little do these miniscule virus's know, the antibody is also within the group.
Funny how things go from good....and then now to bad once again.
Where did this start?
How did it get this bad?
I think back to what I should call my friends.
The root of the infection started there and slowly tried to work its way to the the core.
Anger and Animosity bewilder the core.
I try to gather the source of infection.
The infection seems to have come in through and bunch load of gossip and some crude rumors.
It happend right in front of me.
Upon retrospect, now all i can think about is that I could of stopped the madness right when it first began.
The slurs stopped...I made sure to that, but then one of the infected began to turn right on another core member starting rumors about his sexuality.
Once I had heard this all I could muster in my head was that "What's wrong with that?"
If this member really did find his utopia of sexuallity, who am I to dis him on that?
The shrewd cloud begins to become active like a volcano.
It seems like the group cannot function anymore.
At this point, I'm ready to basically let the group die.
To finally let go of everything that has been built up is a feeling like no other.
The joy of restarting again is a very emotional process but its the way of the better path.
I can feel it swarming me.
It crawls up and down my spine.
A kind of tingling feeling.
I don't know what to do.
Scared now from the fear of the unknown.
It happens to thousands of people everyday.
I don't know how to accept it.
I begin to think about what i've accomplished.
I think about all the good times.
I think about all the bad times.
As I breathe in and out.
I can feel my troubles just washing away.
I have a sort of clear headed-ness.
I think even harder now.
The message seems fuddled.
I realize what I must do now.
All of a sudden a wash of insecurity rushes over me.
"What if I don't do it?" "Its all a lucid dream"
I push those thoughts out of my head.
I finally decide in one final act that I must become something stronger.
I must become something that could never thought of, something original.
The Aftermath
Now I realize that I had failed my goal.
I did not bring equality.
There are still thousands of people still lost in their own niche.
I look upon these people and ask how can you live like that?
Suppressing their own feelings about things.
I cannot process that in my head.
Upon these groups I do not see any just cause why these groups function like this.
I begin to retreat in Exile.
Once I get there I realize there are other people here.
They all shared the same goal I once had.
Some of them have even returned back to the unjust groups.
I know there are others like me.
But they are afraid to let go of what they keep.
To be indulged in greed, one cannot possilbly afford to lose their prestige among their group members.
They will not reach Nirvana if they have the mindset of a mindless follower that just follows the group because they all leech onto one another.
Even inside classrooms I hear things that would make the average joe school goer cringe and wonder.
All of the stories that involve drug abuse and unprotected sex always end up the same way.
The mindless people try to cover it up by "going to church and being a good boy/girl"
I begin to wonder how much it bothers them that at one point each of them had a goal and/or dream.
I am even lower now.
The feeling of everything spinning outta control is tremendous.
I think about those "old" good times.
The bad doesn't even seem bad anymore now.
I realize that I am not afraid of living the life I have.
I continue to push on, but of course in exile excluded away from the core "groups"
I go back to my Exile.
Until a new wave of group comes along and roosts me out of my exile.
I instantly get the feeling of "We are top shit badasses that would fuck some guy up." and of course the "Oh! If I see (enter name here) I'm gonna mess him up bad!" from this new group.
Again I hear this constantly.
I keep seeing the same person saying this and going by the same (enter name here from last parathesis) and saying nothing to that person.
This group tries to desperately to recruit someone who has a car.
They will continue to go from person to person trying to find some form of entertainment.
The rage within me grows to this day.
I look for hope from some other foriegn source.
A strangely acting force begins to tempt me into becoming a key member of another group.
I accept unknowingly what would happen to me.
I instantly felt the feeling of someone who is looked up upon. A strong person who is able and willing for this group.
A unknown entity begins to come to this group.
The group, from the beginning has doubts against this unknown entity.
The unknown entity takes a form of shrewed cloud around my newly joined group.
It falls into an inactive motion and stays around us for what seems like forever.
The Beginning of The End
Each day that goes by I begin to see more and more superficialality.
But... I begin to see more people that are pure of soul.
To see these people is like a godsend.
I think to myself that if I don't act immediately I could possibly let these people down.
I know that I will come off sounding as a strange character.
I don't care and I know it will not be all right because these people show signs of what I had been through.
I know that everything will be ok.
I begin to accept my fate within this group, and i realize that I am now essential to this group.
I try to consel the Pure Souls and give them hope that no matter the fake-ness of the majority of people they will encounter.
No matter the severity I hope the group will hold together.
Now I am in constant joy to know the few people that are not corrupt by the media.
I keep smiling as days go by and nobody knows "Why?"
The End of The End
Hostality and insecurity have taken over most of the group members.
Like a virus it tries to spread to all who are within.
Little do these miniscule virus's know, the antibody is also within the group.
Funny how things go from good....and then now to bad once again.
Where did this start?
How did it get this bad?
I think back to what I should call my friends.
The root of the infection started there and slowly tried to work its way to the the core.
Anger and Animosity bewilder the core.
I try to gather the source of infection.
The infection seems to have come in through and bunch load of gossip and some crude rumors.
It happend right in front of me.
Upon retrospect, now all i can think about is that I could of stopped the madness right when it first began.
The slurs stopped...I made sure to that, but then one of the infected began to turn right on another core member starting rumors about his sexuality.
Once I had heard this all I could muster in my head was that "What's wrong with that?"
If this member really did find his utopia of sexuallity, who am I to dis him on that?
The shrewd cloud begins to become active like a volcano.
It seems like the group cannot function anymore.
At this point, I'm ready to basically let the group die.
To finally let go of everything that has been built up is a feeling like no other.
The joy of restarting again is a very emotional process but its the way of the better path.
My humps(camel humps)
what you gonna do with all that junk all that junk inside that trunk? I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk, Get you love drunk off my hump. My hump, 8xMy lovely camel humps,
Check it outI drive these ladies crazy, I do it on the daily, They treat me really nicely, They buy me all these iceies. Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi and then DonnaKaran, got me sharin’ All their money got me wearin' fly, whether I ain’t askin, They say they love my ass in Seven Jeans, True Religion, I say no, but they keep givin’ So I keep on takin’And no I ain’t takin’ We can keep on datin’ Now keep on demonstrating.
My love, my love, my love, my love You love my camel humps, My hump, my hump, my hump, My humps they got you, She’s got me spitin. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me and spitin your saliva on me. She’s got me spitin’. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me,(uh) on me, on me
What you gonna do with all that junk? All that junk inside that trunk? I’m a get, get, get, get, you drunk, Get you love drunk off my hump.
What you gon’ do with all that sass? All that sass inside them jeans? I’m a make, make, make, make you scream Make u scream, make you scream. Cause of my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump. My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely camel humps, check it out!
I met a girl down at the disco. She said hey, hey, hey yeah let’s goI could be your baby, you can be my honey Let's spend time not water. salt water your salt water wit my fresh water, Salty, Salty Fresh, Mix your salt water with my fresh water, salty, salty riiiiiiight
They say I'm really sexy, The girls they wanna sex me. They always standing undero me, Always crawlin under me. Tryin’ a feel my hump, hump, Lookin’ at my camel humps, humps. You can look but you can’t touch em, If you touch em I’m a start some drama, You don’t want no drama, No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama So don’t pull on my dick, girl, You ain’t my girl, girl, I’m just tryn’a dance girl, And move my camel humps.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump. My hump, my hump, my hump, My humps they got you, She’s got me spitin. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me and spitin all your saliva on me. She’s got me spitin’. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me,(uh) on me, on me
What you gon’ do with all that junk?All that junk inside that trunk?I’m a get, get, get, get, you drunk,Get you love drunk off this hump.What you gon’ do with all that breast? All that breast inside that shirt? I’m a make, make, make, make you work Make you work, work, make you work
She's got me spitin'(Ooo) Spitin' all your on me (uh) on me, on me.So real (so real) repeated 17x
Check it outI drive these ladies crazy, I do it on the daily, They treat me really nicely, They buy me all these iceies. Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi and then DonnaKaran, got me sharin’ All their money got me wearin' fly, whether I ain’t askin, They say they love my ass in Seven Jeans, True Religion, I say no, but they keep givin’ So I keep on takin’And no I ain’t takin’ We can keep on datin’ Now keep on demonstrating.
My love, my love, my love, my love You love my camel humps, My hump, my hump, my hump, My humps they got you, She’s got me spitin. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me and spitin your saliva on me. She’s got me spitin’. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me,(uh) on me, on me
What you gonna do with all that junk? All that junk inside that trunk? I’m a get, get, get, get, you drunk, Get you love drunk off my hump.
What you gon’ do with all that sass? All that sass inside them jeans? I’m a make, make, make, make you scream Make u scream, make you scream. Cause of my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump. My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely camel humps, check it out!
I met a girl down at the disco. She said hey, hey, hey yeah let’s goI could be your baby, you can be my honey Let's spend time not water. salt water your salt water wit my fresh water, Salty, Salty Fresh, Mix your salt water with my fresh water, salty, salty riiiiiiight
They say I'm really sexy, The girls they wanna sex me. They always standing undero me, Always crawlin under me. Tryin’ a feel my hump, hump, Lookin’ at my camel humps, humps. You can look but you can’t touch em, If you touch em I’m a start some drama, You don’t want no drama, No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama So don’t pull on my dick, girl, You ain’t my girl, girl, I’m just tryn’a dance girl, And move my camel humps.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump. My hump, my hump, my hump, My humps they got you, She’s got me spitin. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me and spitin all your saliva on me. She’s got me spitin’. (Oooo) Spitin’ all your water on me,(uh) on me, on me
What you gon’ do with all that junk?All that junk inside that trunk?I’m a get, get, get, get, you drunk,Get you love drunk off this hump.What you gon’ do with all that breast? All that breast inside that shirt? I’m a make, make, make, make you work Make you work, work, make you work
She's got me spitin'(Ooo) Spitin' all your on me (uh) on me, on me.So real (so real) repeated 17x
Lillith(Adams suppossed first wife)
(b) Some say that God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, giving them charge over the world; [2] but that Eve did not yet exist. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast, bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn, found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: 'Every creature but I has a proper matel', and prayed God would remedy this injustice. [3]
(c) God then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as He had formed Adam, except that He used filth and sediment instead of pure dust. From Adam's union with this demoness, and with another like her named Naamah, Tubal Cain's sister, sprang Asmodeus and innumerable demons that still plague mankind. Many generations later, Lilith and Naamah came to Solomon's judgement seat, disguised as harlots of Jerusalem'. [4]
(d) Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the recumbent posture he demanded. 'Why must I lie beneath you?' she asked. 'I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal.' Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left him.
Adam complained to God: 'I have been deserted by my helpmeet' God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim at the rate of more than one hundred a day. 'Return to Adam without delay,' the angels said, `or we will drown you!' Lilith asked: `How can I return to Adam and live like an honest housewife, after my stay beside the Red Sea?? 'It will be death to refuse!' they answered. `How can I die,' Lilith asked again, `when God has ordered me to take charge of all newborn children: boys up to the eighth day of life, that of circumcision; girls up to the twentieth day. None the less, if ever I see your three names or likenesses displayed in an amulet above a newborn child, I promise to spare it.' To this they agreed; but God punished Lilith by making one hundred of her demon children perish daily; [5] and if she could not destroy a human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her own. [6]
(e) Some say that Lilith ruled as queen in Zmargad, and again in Sheba; and was the demoness who destroyed job's sons. [7] Yet she escaped the curse of death which overtook Adam, since they had parted long before the Fall. Lilith and Naamah not only strangle infants but also seduce dreaming men, any one of whom, sleeping alone, may become their victim. [8]
(f) Undismayed by His failure to give Adam a suitable helpmeet, God tried again, and let him watch while he built up a woman's anatomy: using bones, tissues, muscles, blood and glandular secretions, then covering the whole with skin and adding tufts of hair in places. The sight caused Adam such disgust that even when this woman, the First Eve, stood there in her full beauty, he felt an invincible repugnance. God knew that He had failed once more, and took the First Eve away. Where she went, nobody knows for certain. [9]
(g) God tried a third time, and acted more circumspectly. Having taken a rib from Adam's side in his sleep, He formed it into a woman; then plaited her hair and adorned her, like a bride, with twenty-four pieces of jewellery, before waking him. Adam was entranced. [10]
(h) Some say that God created Eve not from Adam's rib, but from a tail ending in a sting which had been part of his body. God cut this off, and the stump-now a useless coccyx-is still carried by Adam's descendants. [11]
(i) Others say that God's original thought had been to create two human beings, male and female; but instead He designed a single one with a male face looking forward, and a female face looking back. Again He changed His mind, removed Adam's backward-looking face, and built a woman's body for it. [12]
(j) Still others hold that Adam was originally created as an androgyne of male and female bodies joined back to back. Since this posture made locomotion difficult, and conversation awkward, God divided the androgyne and gave each half a new rear. These separate beings He placed in Eden, forbidding them to couple. [13]
Notes on sources:
(c) God then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as He had formed Adam, except that He used filth and sediment instead of pure dust. From Adam's union with this demoness, and with another like her named Naamah, Tubal Cain's sister, sprang Asmodeus and innumerable demons that still plague mankind. Many generations later, Lilith and Naamah came to Solomon's judgement seat, disguised as harlots of Jerusalem'. [4]
(d) Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the recumbent posture he demanded. 'Why must I lie beneath you?' she asked. 'I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal.' Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left him.
Adam complained to God: 'I have been deserted by my helpmeet' God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim at the rate of more than one hundred a day. 'Return to Adam without delay,' the angels said, `or we will drown you!' Lilith asked: `How can I return to Adam and live like an honest housewife, after my stay beside the Red Sea?? 'It will be death to refuse!' they answered. `How can I die,' Lilith asked again, `when God has ordered me to take charge of all newborn children: boys up to the eighth day of life, that of circumcision; girls up to the twentieth day. None the less, if ever I see your three names or likenesses displayed in an amulet above a newborn child, I promise to spare it.' To this they agreed; but God punished Lilith by making one hundred of her demon children perish daily; [5] and if she could not destroy a human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her own. [6]
(e) Some say that Lilith ruled as queen in Zmargad, and again in Sheba; and was the demoness who destroyed job's sons. [7] Yet she escaped the curse of death which overtook Adam, since they had parted long before the Fall. Lilith and Naamah not only strangle infants but also seduce dreaming men, any one of whom, sleeping alone, may become their victim. [8]
(f) Undismayed by His failure to give Adam a suitable helpmeet, God tried again, and let him watch while he built up a woman's anatomy: using bones, tissues, muscles, blood and glandular secretions, then covering the whole with skin and adding tufts of hair in places. The sight caused Adam such disgust that even when this woman, the First Eve, stood there in her full beauty, he felt an invincible repugnance. God knew that He had failed once more, and took the First Eve away. Where she went, nobody knows for certain. [9]
(g) God tried a third time, and acted more circumspectly. Having taken a rib from Adam's side in his sleep, He formed it into a woman; then plaited her hair and adorned her, like a bride, with twenty-four pieces of jewellery, before waking him. Adam was entranced. [10]
(h) Some say that God created Eve not from Adam's rib, but from a tail ending in a sting which had been part of his body. God cut this off, and the stump-now a useless coccyx-is still carried by Adam's descendants. [11]
(i) Others say that God's original thought had been to create two human beings, male and female; but instead He designed a single one with a male face looking forward, and a female face looking back. Again He changed His mind, removed Adam's backward-looking face, and built a woman's body for it. [12]
(j) Still others hold that Adam was originally created as an androgyne of male and female bodies joined back to back. Since this posture made locomotion difficult, and conversation awkward, God divided the androgyne and gave each half a new rear. These separate beings He placed in Eden, forbidding them to couple. [13]
Notes on sources:
Feminist Lillith Perspective
These days, one of the most powerful archetypes being revived in feminist religion is Lilith, archetype of the "dark" inner feminine. For ages she had been cast aside and denigrated by patriarchal religion as a demoness, but now she is being looked at with renewed interest. To anyone following Lilith's career, it would be interesting to learn how she already had been rehabilitated centuries ago in Islamic Sufi guise. She is known to Muslims as Layla — of Layla and Majnun fame.
Both names come from the same ancient Semitic root meaning 'night'. The old Akkadian form of her name was Lilitu, from the root L-Y-L, with the feminine ending in -t; it took the form Lilith in Hebrew. The Arabic name Laylá is from the same root with a feminine ending often used in Arabic girls' names.
Lilith was no doubt a survival from prehistoric Middle Eastern goddess religion, who was demonized and became only a memory under patriarchal religion. Her reputation has taken on the meaning of the "dark side" of the Feminine. The usual pattern when a new religion takes over is to turn the previous religion's deities into demons as that side of their psyche becomes repressed. Psychologically, Lilith's archetype of the Dark Feminine (known in Shaktism as Kali Ma) became a sewer where the patriarchal religion dumped all their repressed negativity against the Feminine.
Layla . . . listen to the Arab singers. In every other song they forsake the lyrics and just sing a chorus of "Ya Layl, ya Layl, ya Laaaayyyyl...." O Night!
Living in the modern civilization as we do, we are never out of the reach of electric lights bleaching out the night. Put yourself in Layla's Arabia, in the middle of the desert. On a moonless night, there is NOTHING. No dunes, no camels, nothing. Everything merges into the formless.
This represents the Unmanifest, the aspect of Allah that does not enter into creation. In relation to the world, God's attribute al-Khaliq, the Creator, is masculine. But God's reality is not exhausted by creating, and beyond creation there is the Unmanifest. The Divine Feminine that the Sufi poets address with women's names . . . like Layla.
The "dark side"? In Sufism, the "darkness" of Layla does not come across as something nefarious or threatening. It can even be luminous-the experience of the "Black Light" (see Henry Corbin, The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism). Or like the "black shawl" of the Prophet . . .whom the Sufis sometimes call the "kali kamaliya vala" (the one wrapped in the black blanket) in their qawwalis. The Sufis also link this to the kamal posh. . .the prehistoric Sufis (a mystical brotherhood that existed from prehistory and served in the roles of teachers and divines). The Prophet's prayer rug was also black, as was the first flag of Islam.
Layla, as used by the Sufis, means the power of love. It is the dark feminine that loves in equal measure, that returns love, that draws one out of oneself and into the hâl (ecstatic state) of love. She intoxicates, makes one indifferent to the world, singular of purpose, enfolds and yet retains her mystery, her hiddeness. . . her darkness. A single glimpse of her reality intoxicates (as when Majnun sank into the depths of love at a glance of her toes, revealed underneath the hem of her gown).
Considering the history of religions, notice how a new one that takes over recasts the old deities as demons. For example, in Wyoming there is a tall rock formation with vertical grooves that the American Indians regarded as a sacred place; the Lakota name is Mato Tipila (The Home of the Bear). But the white man could find no better name for it than "Devils Tower." The Vedic gods (deva) are Avestan demons (div), while the Avestan gods (ahura) are Vedic demons (asura). Tit for tat!
In my own lifetime, I have heard the uninformed opinion of certain Indian Muslims that Kali is the very Devil. (They never bothered to inquire and find out the significance of Kali in the Shakta faith, they just react to her appearance.) So we have heard the Israelite version of Lilith as a demon, but what about her original status in the prehistoric religion before the People of the Book came along? Kâli is Urdu for black. Maybe an analogy with Kali would help to see this integration. On one hand, as Uma/Parvati/Durga she represents the loving side of the Feminine, while as Kali she shows the fierce side. But to Shaktas they are all seen as integrated aspects of the whole concept of Devi.
In Christianity and Islam, something went wrong. Jesus and Muhammad were very kind to women and tried hard to remove patriarchal oppression of them. But after them, their followers reinstated patriarchal misogyny full force. However, feminist mystics like me can still retrieve the original feminist spirit from the source of the religion and bring it back to the forefront.
The good news is that Sufism has recovered and reintegrated the Dark Feminine side in the person of Layla, whose name comes from the same Semitic root as Lilith, meaning 'night'. Layla is the name for God as a beloved Woman in Sufi poetry, and Her name shows the embrace of the positive side of the night as the Dark Mother, the love that overwhelms and heals the fear of the darkness. Kali means 'black' and Lilith/Layla refers to the blackness of night, the power of the ultimate Divine Feminine to dissolve all forms.
We must adore the Divine Feminine in all women and must never give into the temptation to demonize women. We have to recognize clearly how stories of demonesses have been used to oppress the status of women instead of exalting their Shakti. We have to look very deeply within ourselves to make sure we are not repressing the Dark Feminine to where it turns into attacks on women. The resurgence of the Feminine is gaining strength these days, people! Patriarchy is rapidly crumbling. Religions will no longer be able to keep women down. There is no force on earth more powerful than awakened women. The repressed Dark Feminine represented by Lilith has already been restored and rehabilitated, reintegrated within the psyche by Sufism. This example may be of value to spiritual feminists who are reviving the positive meaning of Lilith for women today.
"By the One who created the male and the female" (Qur’an, Surat al-Layl [the Night], 92:3).
Both names come from the same ancient Semitic root meaning 'night'. The old Akkadian form of her name was Lilitu, from the root L-Y-L, with the feminine ending in -t; it took the form Lilith in Hebrew. The Arabic name Laylá is from the same root with a feminine ending often used in Arabic girls' names.
Lilith was no doubt a survival from prehistoric Middle Eastern goddess religion, who was demonized and became only a memory under patriarchal religion. Her reputation has taken on the meaning of the "dark side" of the Feminine. The usual pattern when a new religion takes over is to turn the previous religion's deities into demons as that side of their psyche becomes repressed. Psychologically, Lilith's archetype of the Dark Feminine (known in Shaktism as Kali Ma) became a sewer where the patriarchal religion dumped all their repressed negativity against the Feminine.
Layla . . . listen to the Arab singers. In every other song they forsake the lyrics and just sing a chorus of "Ya Layl, ya Layl, ya Laaaayyyyl...." O Night!
Living in the modern civilization as we do, we are never out of the reach of electric lights bleaching out the night. Put yourself in Layla's Arabia, in the middle of the desert. On a moonless night, there is NOTHING. No dunes, no camels, nothing. Everything merges into the formless.
This represents the Unmanifest, the aspect of Allah that does not enter into creation. In relation to the world, God's attribute al-Khaliq, the Creator, is masculine. But God's reality is not exhausted by creating, and beyond creation there is the Unmanifest. The Divine Feminine that the Sufi poets address with women's names . . . like Layla.
The "dark side"? In Sufism, the "darkness" of Layla does not come across as something nefarious or threatening. It can even be luminous-the experience of the "Black Light" (see Henry Corbin, The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism). Or like the "black shawl" of the Prophet . . .whom the Sufis sometimes call the "kali kamaliya vala" (the one wrapped in the black blanket) in their qawwalis. The Sufis also link this to the kamal posh. . .the prehistoric Sufis (a mystical brotherhood that existed from prehistory and served in the roles of teachers and divines). The Prophet's prayer rug was also black, as was the first flag of Islam.
Layla, as used by the Sufis, means the power of love. It is the dark feminine that loves in equal measure, that returns love, that draws one out of oneself and into the hâl (ecstatic state) of love. She intoxicates, makes one indifferent to the world, singular of purpose, enfolds and yet retains her mystery, her hiddeness. . . her darkness. A single glimpse of her reality intoxicates (as when Majnun sank into the depths of love at a glance of her toes, revealed underneath the hem of her gown).
Considering the history of religions, notice how a new one that takes over recasts the old deities as demons. For example, in Wyoming there is a tall rock formation with vertical grooves that the American Indians regarded as a sacred place; the Lakota name is Mato Tipila (The Home of the Bear). But the white man could find no better name for it than "Devils Tower." The Vedic gods (deva) are Avestan demons (div), while the Avestan gods (ahura) are Vedic demons (asura). Tit for tat!
In my own lifetime, I have heard the uninformed opinion of certain Indian Muslims that Kali is the very Devil. (They never bothered to inquire and find out the significance of Kali in the Shakta faith, they just react to her appearance.) So we have heard the Israelite version of Lilith as a demon, but what about her original status in the prehistoric religion before the People of the Book came along? Kâli is Urdu for black. Maybe an analogy with Kali would help to see this integration. On one hand, as Uma/Parvati/Durga she represents the loving side of the Feminine, while as Kali she shows the fierce side. But to Shaktas they are all seen as integrated aspects of the whole concept of Devi.
In Christianity and Islam, something went wrong. Jesus and Muhammad were very kind to women and tried hard to remove patriarchal oppression of them. But after them, their followers reinstated patriarchal misogyny full force. However, feminist mystics like me can still retrieve the original feminist spirit from the source of the religion and bring it back to the forefront.
The good news is that Sufism has recovered and reintegrated the Dark Feminine side in the person of Layla, whose name comes from the same Semitic root as Lilith, meaning 'night'. Layla is the name for God as a beloved Woman in Sufi poetry, and Her name shows the embrace of the positive side of the night as the Dark Mother, the love that overwhelms and heals the fear of the darkness. Kali means 'black' and Lilith/Layla refers to the blackness of night, the power of the ultimate Divine Feminine to dissolve all forms.
We must adore the Divine Feminine in all women and must never give into the temptation to demonize women. We have to recognize clearly how stories of demonesses have been used to oppress the status of women instead of exalting their Shakti. We have to look very deeply within ourselves to make sure we are not repressing the Dark Feminine to where it turns into attacks on women. The resurgence of the Feminine is gaining strength these days, people! Patriarchy is rapidly crumbling. Religions will no longer be able to keep women down. There is no force on earth more powerful than awakened women. The repressed Dark Feminine represented by Lilith has already been restored and rehabilitated, reintegrated within the psyche by Sufism. This example may be of value to spiritual feminists who are reviving the positive meaning of Lilith for women today.
"By the One who created the male and the female" (Qur’an, Surat al-Layl [the Night], 92:3).
The Thoughts God thinks of us
...Fuckstick! Another one down the tubes. I've been doing this since Adam and Eve. Shit Adam and Eve never exsisted. Oh fuckstick!
A Gun
...can push the bullet
A Bullet
...can make you dead
The Dead
...can make you cry
The Crying
...makes you look weak
The Weak
...are taken advantage of
Those taken advantage of
...have a child or two
A child or two
...makes you go into psychotic madness
You go into psychotic Madness
...and in madness you grab the gun
Grab the Gun
...a child fights it from you
...and now you are done
...can push the bullet
A Bullet
...can make you dead
The Dead
...can make you cry
The Crying
...makes you look weak
The Weak
...are taken advantage of
Those taken advantage of
...have a child or two
A child or two
...makes you go into psychotic madness
You go into psychotic Madness
...and in madness you grab the gun
Grab the Gun
...a child fights it from you
...and now you are done
The World I burned
Note to reader: All names have been changed for confidentiality reasons except for that of Josh Neu.
Tigers wait to pounce. A sniper takes his time to get the crosshairs to meet the head of his ill-fated enemy. I strike like the matchstick after you let it burn to your finger and drop it on the ground that happens to be covered by gasoline and other flammable liquids. A few days ago, while I was at Biblestudy, a careless individual recieved a phone call from the walking, talking and air wasting tumor we refer to as "R". She was avertly invited and I was thrown in the mix to go with the careless individual to pick her up. Lightmeuplester left the biblestudy meeting, but before he did, he told me to tell her "I left because she was coming".
Most would take the information he had given and passed it away as nonsense. I knew better, and I am the matchstick. Tumors stick out and need to be romved. They are problems that get worse. You can decorate your tumor with fancy what nots, but you and I know it wont go away and it still looks ugly. "R", the tumor that haunts your dreams, ruins your nightmares and makes suicide look like a wedding gown. Shes the defect in your melted down barbie doll.
Lightmeuplester is the cancer surgeon who removes the tumors only to later find out another one has appeared. He's the surgeon that takes a chainsaw to it and rips it apart so he can pee on every piece. He's the bullet in your gun, to quick to avoid, and deadly if hit right.
It was cold outside. It took minutes to walk a few feet to my careless friend's white compact ford ranger. Joints would freeze up. Cramps were the impifimy of warm days. We crawled into his truck and waited with our shoulders up and our legs pinched together. While most would think of what they would say, I did not. I am the tiger, the sniper. I am the matchstick.
We had reached the root of all cancer, we had come to R's home. You have to cough everytime shes around or your near her, you cant stop it. She is cancer, you hack and hack and she wont leave. We drove with her squished in the middle of us. It was like a brain tumor, but not as sexy. She yacked and yacked like the cancer that keeps reproducing. I hardly responded, let alone spoke. I made sure we didnt go back to biblestudy. Having a tumor is one thing, but to let it contaminate others is just wrong.
We drove around until we reached a place hosting a party. I walked in like Marla's first entrance in the movie Fight Club. As I walked down the stairs everyone flocked to me like I was their deity and their born again savior rolled into one. Just like their deity or born again savior, I shooed them away from like they were ants and Iwas the magnifying glass.
As I walked down the stairs to where the party was at, I meet Josh Neu. Josh Neu-Noun: A man/woman who appears to be a human like ape with an IQ believed to be in the negative. A mother's boy/girl to an obsessive degree,that can not hold a sustainable amount of alcohol and assertively says that he is allergic to smoking because thats whats his mother said, then ends up smoking after and pouts about if confronted.
He approached me yelling my name in drunkly excitment. I kicked him in the balls and moved slightly to the left to watch him fall face first to the floor. I watched as he got up and tried to shake my careless friend' hand but missed and fell again. He's the singer without out a song. I walked out the room to the room where they were taking shots. I had a few and went back into the room where Josh and the tumor were.
I found a chair, shooed the person from it, and sat down. All the sudden this girl "Mrs. Hott Hott Every guy wants to Fuck me, athlete" who has never started a conversation with me, decides to do so. She must have thought that of all the nobodies in the area I was the nobody to talk to. The king of nobodies. I had to end the conversation quickly like a light cig she pathetically smokes. I looked over my shoulders only to peer my eyes on what is around me.
The living, world contaminating tumor, was enjoying It's night greatly. I was glad it was. It's high pitched voice squeaking around with its disturbing smiling. It's smile is like a mole A tumorus mole that slowly builds. Sure it looks harmless, but inside its hell.
The cervix of night was dialating and the birth of morning was moments away. We once again smashed into the truck and drove back to her place to drop her off. I had still not spoke to her, other than the moment when we picked her up. She was happy in a deathly way. "You guys made my night" she said while in the truck. I was raped by that saying.
We pulled into her driveway, and I got out and let her out. She was about to take a step towards her house when I said to her in a straight and emotionless face "He(Lightmeuplester) told me to tell you that he left halo(biblestudy) because you were coming". I watched as she melted inside in tears and did just about the same on the outside. I then I asked how her night went in the same way. She said "You just ruined it.By saying that." I didnt reach out to comfort her and my face didnt make a move. I looked as if someone was cut out of the picture and all that is left is the space where I was. Like a person looking for God and knows hes not there. A matchstick has no expressions.
A tiger or sniper could'nt kill as good as I do. Even God was envious. I strike like the matchstick after you let it burn to your finger and drop it on the ground that happens to be covered by gasoline and other flammable liquids. R was the building and lightmeuplester was the person who lit it. The building burns down while others watch in utter amazement. Burn motherfucker, burn.
Tigers wait to pounce. A sniper takes his time to get the crosshairs to meet the head of his ill-fated enemy. I strike like the matchstick after you let it burn to your finger and drop it on the ground that happens to be covered by gasoline and other flammable liquids. A few days ago, while I was at Biblestudy, a careless individual recieved a phone call from the walking, talking and air wasting tumor we refer to as "R". She was avertly invited and I was thrown in the mix to go with the careless individual to pick her up. Lightmeuplester left the biblestudy meeting, but before he did, he told me to tell her "I left because she was coming".
Most would take the information he had given and passed it away as nonsense. I knew better, and I am the matchstick. Tumors stick out and need to be romved. They are problems that get worse. You can decorate your tumor with fancy what nots, but you and I know it wont go away and it still looks ugly. "R", the tumor that haunts your dreams, ruins your nightmares and makes suicide look like a wedding gown. Shes the defect in your melted down barbie doll.
Lightmeuplester is the cancer surgeon who removes the tumors only to later find out another one has appeared. He's the surgeon that takes a chainsaw to it and rips it apart so he can pee on every piece. He's the bullet in your gun, to quick to avoid, and deadly if hit right.
It was cold outside. It took minutes to walk a few feet to my careless friend's white compact ford ranger. Joints would freeze up. Cramps were the impifimy of warm days. We crawled into his truck and waited with our shoulders up and our legs pinched together. While most would think of what they would say, I did not. I am the tiger, the sniper. I am the matchstick.
We had reached the root of all cancer, we had come to R's home. You have to cough everytime shes around or your near her, you cant stop it. She is cancer, you hack and hack and she wont leave. We drove with her squished in the middle of us. It was like a brain tumor, but not as sexy. She yacked and yacked like the cancer that keeps reproducing. I hardly responded, let alone spoke. I made sure we didnt go back to biblestudy. Having a tumor is one thing, but to let it contaminate others is just wrong.
We drove around until we reached a place hosting a party. I walked in like Marla's first entrance in the movie Fight Club. As I walked down the stairs everyone flocked to me like I was their deity and their born again savior rolled into one. Just like their deity or born again savior, I shooed them away from like they were ants and Iwas the magnifying glass.
As I walked down the stairs to where the party was at, I meet Josh Neu. Josh Neu-Noun: A man/woman who appears to be a human like ape with an IQ believed to be in the negative. A mother's boy/girl to an obsessive degree,that can not hold a sustainable amount of alcohol and assertively says that he is allergic to smoking because thats whats his mother said, then ends up smoking after and pouts about if confronted.
He approached me yelling my name in drunkly excitment. I kicked him in the balls and moved slightly to the left to watch him fall face first to the floor. I watched as he got up and tried to shake my careless friend' hand but missed and fell again. He's the singer without out a song. I walked out the room to the room where they were taking shots. I had a few and went back into the room where Josh and the tumor were.
I found a chair, shooed the person from it, and sat down. All the sudden this girl "Mrs. Hott Hott Every guy wants to Fuck me, athlete" who has never started a conversation with me, decides to do so. She must have thought that of all the nobodies in the area I was the nobody to talk to. The king of nobodies. I had to end the conversation quickly like a light cig she pathetically smokes. I looked over my shoulders only to peer my eyes on what is around me.
The living, world contaminating tumor, was enjoying It's night greatly. I was glad it was. It's high pitched voice squeaking around with its disturbing smiling. It's smile is like a mole A tumorus mole that slowly builds. Sure it looks harmless, but inside its hell.
The cervix of night was dialating and the birth of morning was moments away. We once again smashed into the truck and drove back to her place to drop her off. I had still not spoke to her, other than the moment when we picked her up. She was happy in a deathly way. "You guys made my night" she said while in the truck. I was raped by that saying.
We pulled into her driveway, and I got out and let her out. She was about to take a step towards her house when I said to her in a straight and emotionless face "He(Lightmeuplester) told me to tell you that he left halo(biblestudy) because you were coming". I watched as she melted inside in tears and did just about the same on the outside. I then I asked how her night went in the same way. She said "You just ruined it.By saying that." I didnt reach out to comfort her and my face didnt make a move. I looked as if someone was cut out of the picture and all that is left is the space where I was. Like a person looking for God and knows hes not there. A matchstick has no expressions.
A tiger or sniper could'nt kill as good as I do. Even God was envious. I strike like the matchstick after you let it burn to your finger and drop it on the ground that happens to be covered by gasoline and other flammable liquids. R was the building and lightmeuplester was the person who lit it. The building burns down while others watch in utter amazement. Burn motherfucker, burn.
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