
/cmd ~System RST? Yes/No... Yes

I've come a long way.
So this is it.
I've been told to confront the problem.
To destroy negativity.
To do all this and that.
When really I didn't look at what I needed.
I needed peace, not this fake peace, because below this fake peace is war.
Perhaps its not war but it is...another one of the negative outlets that seems to run free on this blog.
And so it seems as the final days of my time on here.
Before I became a member of S.A.P.S I was free, I was pure, (in my eyes and thats all that matters)
Since I've been here, nothing has come of it, in fact only weight has been added to me mentally.
I'm not here in anger nor in glee, I am here calm as President Lincoln's face on the penny.
I am here simply to cash out my chips and walk out the doors and go back home. I'm through with the fake sound of progress. From my very birth into this blog...."The joy of restarting again is a very emotional process but its the way of the better path." It still stands true. Peace out my friends, I'm off to go see the lights of town, and dance the night away.

1 comment:

Aeliot said...

I will leave my original two posts on here, 10 ways to unleash the inner devil (god) and what lies within high school's shadow. Perhaps others will read and find someway to relate. I hope the best. De anpetu kin de nina waste do! Hahanna waste kte do! later everyone