
The Network

Here I am your portal to the world
use me, abuse me then discard my every purpose
I brought you in and I can take you out
And when I do, you piss and moan
You get mad and confused
So when you see no purpose for me
Don't put aside when I bitch and moan



He sat there with his head drooping over the sink.
His hands holding his head upright.
Every few minutes he'd get that sick feeling
Like when shit that goes down wants to hit the ceiling.
Out it will come flowing like a river
spewing his lunch and even his dinner.


For men and women

( I originally wrote this as a note on facebook on January 15,2007)

It baffles me how mostly women write notes on how a relationship should work and what the perfect guy/ girl does or should do. It also amazes me how they write how a man should respect women in a way that looks like it was previously written by a guy.

This is what I say. Before you write these relationship things, do them yourself. All I hear is how men cheat and do all these bad things. When all I see is women cheating and setting unreal social standards on their relationships. Too many times have I seen guys do the work in a relationship and then get hurt because she cheats or leaves or something else.

No matter what anyone says about relationships, its all wrong. Why? Because each of us are different and so is the way we interact with each other. No one will always be nice or do this and that. So quit bullshitting yourself.

Heres what I say

Women: Quit writing about what the standard good guy should do/be because most of you have passed by the good guy to go for mister hottie hottie popularity. If you believe that all guys should be this way, then most nerds would have beautiful girlfriends. And most of you would be datng the guys who are regulars for Star Wars conventions. Be yourself and do what you say.

Men: Don't be a victim to pre-judgment. Give each girl a equal shot. And treat them all with respect. No one likes an asshole. Being a bad ass does not do you any good nor does being a smart ass. Be yourself. Don't become a wannabe. Quit this idea that there is an ass race for the hottie. You ruin it for everyone

Both: Just for once look beyond your self image. Put the ideals of what you or the other person should be. Shoulds, woulds, coulds all end up being nothing in the end. Just talk truthfully to each other. "Come as you are".


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