
A Theory

Bear with me on this theory, it sounds a bit crazy but I'm throwin this out there to everyone.

Theory: Humans came from two gigantic beings (later formed into Gee-Whiz) that are sent through time & space to this place we call earth.

Birth of humans, from an almighty being known as God or w/e supreme being you'd like to throw in the blank. How was this almighty being formed? There probably is a story or some shit that explains how god came to be...blah...blah...blah... but here is an idea I thought of.

What if two gigantic life forms that looked human, both given extraordinary traits. Formed together to make one. I speculate that one being would be a gigantic blob of bright material that possessed positive thoughts, the other being the opposite dark and filled with negative thoughts. Combined, these two would form a shade of grey where everything would be thrown into, therefore causing a major consicousness to arise (Gee-Whiz)

This thing would then like a sponge, bud off, but these buddings would not be as complete as the original. With each more and more being budded off, the lesser and lesser the "potentcy" of the buddings. These buddings would then be sent through time & space to take place inside of a fetus and develop. To make baby humans.

Ok so here's an equation if you didn't get what I just wrote above.
Positive thoughts + negative thoughts = Gee Whiz
Gee Whiz divides for eternity.
Man continues to spread like a virus.

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