

Choices as so it seems shows/makes us who we are. Based on our character, knowledge, past experiences and observations we make choices. Its not the choice that may make us who we are, but rather the situation for which one is in while making the choice(s). If one is force to make a choice based on limited selection ones character,moral and intergrity are questioned. When this happens, one may make a choice that was not supposed to be in the select group of choices. This too is a reflection of character and other things. Most times, one makes a choice based on the choices available. For people such as that, a heavy emphasis is put on ones self to make the right choice. In given time one goes over the choices and the long term effects. When not given the time one has to make quick choices. No matter what, choices reflect who we are and where we are going.

1 comment:

Aeliot said...

Very true my friend, I agree in 100% agreement