
Grab and run

Grab your backpack
Grab a meal
Grab a coat
Grab some shades
Grab your money
Take it and go. Run from it all.
One might ask what to run from.
Run from church
Run from mom
Run from dad
Run from school
Run from work
Run from friends
Run. Run till your legs burn. Run till your lungs fill with acid. Run till you cant run no more. Run till your heart bursts from your chest.
Don't look back.
One might ask why not look back.
Because the thing you run from is right there. It's right behind you.
It's the monster under the bed
It's the monster in the church
It's the monster your mom told you was gone
It's the monster in the movies
It's the monster in your nightmares
It's the monster that creeps when you sleep
It's the monster that tries to eat you while you sleep.
It's the monster-------who is you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like, I like. Good twist at the end. :D