
God is all knowing

In the old testament, God is burning down villages and shunning people into Hell.The old testament portrays God as an angry God. In the new testament, God is forgiving and pushing for peace, showing that he is merciful and loving.

God is all knowing. All knowing and he has two sides to him. That can not be. God is all knowing, he cant be happy and sad. He is either one or the other throughout. He should not even be both. Why? If God is all knowing, then he knows what happens before it does. He knows what will happen and who or what and all that. He cant one day smite a town in complete rage, then rebuild it out of his forgiveness.

Church has always said that God has a plan for us, true? What if I told you that if this is true than God already knows how you will die. Even the small things like picking up a cup. Why does this matter? Why would God care about small things? Because the small things add up, and if all the dominoes dont fall then the plan for life doesnt either. You can try to avoid this, but no matter what you do God planned it. You cant deny it if you believe that God is all knowing.

This may seem radical, but God created everything. Heaven, Hell and Earth was created by God supposedly. God is all knowing, so God knew that Lucifer, was going to be the fallen angel that disobyed God. God knew exactly what would happen before it did. God knew that humans would sin before they did.

God created life. God created peace. God created pain. God created Heaven. God created Hell. God created happiness. God created Evil. Are we not the actors and actresses on God's stage?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another very good one. This one was extremely well written. It's always interesting when you write about religious topics.