
The "parasites" story

I am the "parasite" known by most. Really I am just part of this underground network of people called "zygote to embryo to giant" better known as ZEG. We are an orginization that makes deals with either the sperm arm or female army. When we institute plan back stab with either group, we work a deal with the sperm then when they least expect the unit we send joins in full force with the female army. In some instances we back stab the female army by joining at a later time with the sperm army when the force of ourselves is to large to fight off.

I remember the day the sperm army had instigated a deal with us. They wanted us to back stab the female group who considered by them "unpenetratable". I would say that I am here to clean up for them. Their force was considered by many to be Godly. They all knew that the only way in was through the lower main gates. The mission was for me to be sent in and cause an unthinkable reaction.

The sperm General had only one way to sneak me in. He would have an elite sperm trooper carry me in. I would be disgused as his information, and he would carry me in. The main idea would be to access the main computer and give me the controls of the entire body system.

We encountered the main gate walls with no contact of the opposing. At first the ship entered in and encountered several million troops. We backed out and kept doing this several times to diffuse the opposing. It was the when the female army dumped a warm liquid on the ship that our general put forth Operation female destruction. We later called it the Battle of Vaginady. A well needed victory was to happen today.

We were sent as the third wave or better known as cum 3. I was carried by the elite soldier who had the weapons needed and the speed of God to get the job done. Sad part was, that he was as dumb as shit and a box of rocks. So I had to guide him. We were packed in a boat with others. If the others were'nt yelling daddy, puking or cying they were armed and ready. We watched as the wave before us had almost got mowed down.

I yelled " HOLD THAT TURRET STATION!" They subdued it as my carriers boat had reached the shore. We jumped out and ran towards the fenceline. Bullets flew by us like the movies they show in DreamMare Theatre. We reached the fenceline and planted two explosives on it to blast it open. Boom! The fenceline broke and we encountered a renewed amount of heavy fire. We told all of our ground troops to go beyond the fenceline. They did and held ground for us as we went for the main post. We reached the main post and encountered at least 90% of their troops. My carrier unloaded round upon round into almost each troops pretty little face. We went to the main computer and tried to access the main computer. Because of my friends stupidity we got nowhere past the screen that said "please press enter". Then when I needed him most, he left when the siren was blasted. As he reached the door I watched as he was shot from behind by a decorated troop.

The rest is history except the fact that being disguised by the sperms information has caused me to pick up some of his traits. For instance, I now am completly stupid. The plan worked out well and I told the queen that I was here to clean her system. I did, by eating all the food. About 12 months later I was forced out by the queen. I was squeezed out through the lower main gates. I was then taken into arms by the superior outside force who now keeps calling me this retarded name. What the hey, I am dumb. I think she calls me "Josh", but I dont really get why.


Mr. Daddy Lee said...

This is the last of the sad story of how the earth got a little worse.

Anonymous said...

Woot. Awesome. I like how it ties in with your last ones so well.