
a 19 year old, a cowboy and their smokes

I asked a friend today what kind of cig he smokes. He said "I smoke Marb lights." I say to him, "Lights!Lights!! Why do you smoke lights, why not smoke Marb Reds!?" He responded in shock. "Reds! Smoke Reds! I aint smoking reds! You've seen da Cowboys who smoke Reds! Look at 'em there aint too many left!" I asked another why he doesnt smoke Reds. His response:"I used to smoke Reds, but I had to stop when I was coughing up tar at my age." I asked "How old are you now? 25-30?" He says "19".
So you may ask "Why does this person write this here?" Because life has lessons and sometimes people will never learn them till late. The lesson from this blog is: If your a cowboy your going to die smoking. If you are 19 and smoke, you'll cough up a road. If your 19 and a Cowboy it wont work out for you. Because Cowboys hate to ride horses on tar and you will die. Its that simple.


The Surgeon said...

haha cough up a road..another good shit

Mr. Daddy Lee said...

The sad part about it all-- is that I did have the recorded encounter with those people. And yes, it was "another good shit". I appreciate it.