
The Tree

Screams echoed in his head. Memories of the life of no point.

He started his beat up Toyota two seater. Just like his life had, the Toyota started terribly. He sat in the drivers seat, put his hands on the steering wheel, and put his head down in his arms and cried.

Just like his Toyota, he too was beat up. His wrist scarred and his neck torn by rope. The abuse and deciet sat within him. The pain of all his troubles within him consumed his every thought.

He took his calisted hand and shifted the Toyota into drive. He looked into his rear-view mirror. There he saw who he was. A man in a pitch dark pit looking for the ladder of hope.

His foot pounded down the gas pedal. today was the day he would end it all. The speedomete reached beyond half-way. Everything around him was a blur. He could make out a tree getting closer and closer.

He then looked back into his mirror. What he say was not him. It was when he was happy. Suddenly he was back in the pitch dark pit. In this pit, he saw a light beaming on the ladder. He climbed the ladder. And as he climbed the ladder, there he saw just above him, was a big tree. The tree just sat there swaying in the wind. There it was, lush leaves and above it the beautiful blue sky as he had never seen it before. There it was, everything he wanted in life. He took his eyes off the mirror and slammed the breaks. He hit the tree and flew through the windshild. his body pierced through the windshield as if breaking free from a prison.

His body crashed to the ground. Laying there with blood all over him, he looked back at the tree. He saw the tree standing tall as the fiery truck lit it up. He smiled a bloody smile. A smile that hurt, not because he was severely dismantlyed, but because it was the first time in years his muscles ever made that movement.

He coughed his last cough, although bloody it was beautiful. It was the first time and the last time he was ever happy. He shut his eyes and finally, he reached the end of the ladder.

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