Here two men sat playing checkers
A woman walked in and one man arose
He sat upon the table of chess
And for which started this mess
She sat down and watched the tables
As two men played against at two different tables
And here we are today
One declares check mate
The other a king
Thank God I'm heartless now
Here I sit beside my pillow and I stare cause I cant sleep
the over thoughts of my doings has left my insides to weep
I took what I could and cooled it down
I turned a smile from a frown
Thank God I'm heartless now
the over thoughts of my doings has left my insides to weep
I took what I could and cooled it down
I turned a smile from a frown
Thank God I'm heartless now
Roadtrip lyrics
I bought a car, drove it far
got to a fancy bar, took a stop
got some pop, now its all good
I saw some kids, beating sticks
and some hicks, play at the pool
watch kids drool all over you
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I took a chance, did a prance
and a fancy dance, had some class
saw some ass, got a big black eye
I took my time, gotta fine
for crossing the line, lost a shoe
by some dude who sold cheap wine
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I drank the day, lost my way
had alot of people pray, for some one like me
stung by a bee now my arm aint the same
Wasted nights, seen the sights
and all the lights, took a pee
felt real free boy this is gotta be me
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
got to a fancy bar, took a stop
got some pop, now its all good
I saw some kids, beating sticks
and some hicks, play at the pool
watch kids drool all over you
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I took a chance, did a prance
and a fancy dance, had some class
saw some ass, got a big black eye
I took my time, gotta fine
for crossing the line, lost a shoe
by some dude who sold cheap wine
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
I drank the day, lost my way
had alot of people pray, for some one like me
stung by a bee now my arm aint the same
Wasted nights, seen the sights
and all the lights, took a pee
felt real free boy this is gotta be me
I'm on a roadtrip!
Im on a roadtrip by myself!
What the hell, what the hell, are you gonna do!?
My heart used to have pulse and flutter full of love
It used to beat like a drum controlled by he above
You came in once and got the prize
And with it you took my pride
You came again to revive what was left
And moments later you disappear
In my hand I hold my heart
Its pulse is near nothing but yet it keeps going
Then I trip into your arms bearing my heart in my hands.
You let go so I can fall to the gravel below
With each foot of yours bears a blow to my sides
My hands barely grasp the heart I have
Your face of anger resonates in the foot
The foot that kicks my hands free of my heart
The foot stomps my heart til there is not a beat left
My blood pools around me like a man who is to drown
The out from the darkness comes something I have never seen
You offer your hand to pick me up with a glimmer in your eye
I roll over to let myself die
Knowing that in your hands lays a lie
It used to beat like a drum controlled by he above
You came in once and got the prize
And with it you took my pride
You came again to revive what was left
And moments later you disappear
In my hand I hold my heart
Its pulse is near nothing but yet it keeps going
Then I trip into your arms bearing my heart in my hands.
You let go so I can fall to the gravel below
With each foot of yours bears a blow to my sides
My hands barely grasp the heart I have
Your face of anger resonates in the foot
The foot that kicks my hands free of my heart
The foot stomps my heart til there is not a beat left
My blood pools around me like a man who is to drown
The out from the darkness comes something I have never seen
You offer your hand to pick me up with a glimmer in your eye
I roll over to let myself die
Knowing that in your hands lays a lie
Online Review its website was
Note:All of these are posts from the former OR site. They are all in last to first order.
The End
I'm Sorry for those who actually read this blog. As of today I am officially ending its blogger days due to lack of time to update it reguarly and lack of drive to keep it going. Thanks for reading. The stuff that was originally posted here, will reappear on SAPS as one post. This is to maintain what it once was. Thank you.
posted by The Ghost at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Note: This was the last post made on the blog.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Back at it
Its been awhile since I've last touched this site. Dont get me wrong, but a lot of hours went into to the making of this post. Oddly enough it doesnt show. This reviews best blogs were more of the exceptional this time. I would have to say the best of the best.
Top Beginner Blog:
My Review: The rants here are beautiful at best. Although the posts visually look long, you'll fly by each word and wonder how you got to the end so fast. Its well basic template allows for no visual confusion. 8/10
Best Random Blog Search:"Abhi's Antics"
My Review:"The day to day incoherent rants of a lazy,good-for-nothing intellectual" says it all. This blog is simply, brilliant and full of useless information along with the occasional need to know stuff. I might want to say, the uses of the remarkable "Calvin and Hobbes" is sheer genius. 10/10
Worst Random Blog Search:"chance movie-dvd reviews"
My Review: Not much but can be said for this blog. With its inconsistent post fonts and generic template, this blog doesnt do much at all for anyone.
The Best Foreign Language Blog:"no esquecimento "
My Review: I dont have much to say about this blog but its as good as you can want.8/10
Blogs of note: "The Bestest Blog of All Time"
This blog is just like us but much better. Although the color scheme should be a little different, this blog takes what we do to the next level. I hope all read what this site has to offer.
Friday, October 27, 2006
We Are Anemic
We Are SoSo So So.....Tis been awhile since I did a blog review....
Check this out
I couldn't give this a score mainly because I do not believe in a ranking system, but this site is damn cool.
I like the collections.Its cool to read content mainly based on marketing and advertising related material. Have fun.
***The post was the only post done by Aeliot, all others were done by The Ghost
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Due to recent events and time constraints, OR will be updated less frequently. Hopefully more time can be given to it at a later date. Thank you so much for reading. Take note this is not a good-bye. I will be able to put more stuff on here and it will continue to operate. Just take note that it will be a monthly things instead of weekly.
Thank you,The Ghost
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Well its been awhile
Today marks the day of our third online blogger blog review post. Its been almost more than 2 weeks, but after hours of strain and hardwork we have compilied up the winners and the losers. Its been a long time since this blogs dedication that we or should I say 'I' have posted anything. Through hard work though, I plan to keep this site going strong.
Top beginner blog:"maedae"(
My Review: Well if you can imagine a site that has a two posts, two of which have the same exact content except one has some added. Besides the fact thats its really repetitive, it has a simple easy to follow layout. It also posses a lot of potential to be something good. But because of it being in the early stages, it has yet to show strongly its promise. 4/10
Best random blog search: "Copeland Institute for Lower Learning" (
My Review:"It's not about ideology, it's about incompetence" You cant really pick a better grabber to keep the reader interested. This personal political blog's is simple and easy to follow. It doesnt have fancy backgrounds or unusual fonts to distract you from the main focus. They take a complicated subject and make it 'look' easy. This blog does get personal which can draw away the credibility, and it may lack an unbiased opinion but it keeps with the main focus. 9/10
Worst random blog search:"Fitty on the West Coast" (
My Review: Although I am not quite a fan of personel blogs about peoples lives, this blog however is the exception. Its a crazy blog on the background of a light blue layout format. Its intriguing posts on life are mixed with a consistent statement of dietary status. This site has the looks to keep a reader in a good mood unlike most "emo" sites. Its refreshing, new and brilliant. I would give it a 10 but thats just to tough to reach. 9/10
The best foregin language political blog:"" (
My Review: Well it may not be all foreign language and not political it does take an approach for which we here enjoyed a lot. Besides busisness is politics, but the way this site is done is marvelous. English-non english, english-non english. That alone is the rewarding experience. 6/10
Blog of note:"Still breathing(" I hate to say it but a site that unknowingly flaunts spelling errors should be taken off of blogger, beaten, and tossed. Something so stupid as this blog should hopefully get no readers, but hey anything can happen-like BUSH getting elected.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Here we are again to review more of bloggers worst and best. After doing about a weeks long search and reading tons of blogs, I have come up with my selection. This selection has a wide range of 'diary' to 'journalist' like blogs. I hope this review gives you a better feel of what to read.
Top beginner blog:"Ryan's Blog"(
My Review: Well lets get to the basics of this blog. For one, its informative, which is kinda refreshing. Two, its opionated so its not a news fed blog. Three, its easy to follow. This blog does well by not coming on too strong. Although it does have its flaws. For instance, the same post is posted twice. Ryan's blog deserves high respect because hes not trying to be the dominant voice in the crowd just yet. The blog contains stuff that comes to mind and information that's backed by evidence or sources.7/10
Best random blog search: "President Ahmadinejad"(
My Review:From the get-go this blog states and maintains its clear and definite direction. Its layout is easy to follow while the writing is top notch. One thing that may throw some away is the advertisments of books on the left side. I give credit, because at least the ads maintain the subject of the blog. This blog is clear, well done and just how I like' em.9/10
Worst random blog search:"Gee" (
My Review: Oh gee its 'Gee'. Thats about all the fun you can get from this unique blog. At first it seems promising with its very unusual blog set up. Once you get in to the blog, the poor grammar and ill designed layout ruin all the hopes you had. Its hard to read on levels of visibility and understanding. This blog will drive your eyes nuts. 3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"ECONOMIA: LO QUE QUIERES SABER" (
My Review: This blog comes off a little to cute almost to the extent of ruining completly. That is all to blame for its 'dog' cursor'. Don't let that lead you away. Its extensive younger version of news magaize is good. Its page format is eligible and well laid out. The topics are interesting and cover a wide variety of topics for readers to read. I strongly suggest you check it out. 8/10
Monday, September 04, 2006
Well lets get things started. For one, this a blog designated to rate, rant and remark on blogs that you or other people put on blogger. I'd like to get put out that everything about the blogs we read are broken down and judged based on its direction, layout, posts,etc. To help with how I rate things-I always include the topic on top. Next is my review of the blog mentioned above. The numbers (ex.10/10) are my way of rating the blog on a numerical scale.
My picks:Top beginner blog:"Gilded Lilies"(
my review:Its short, sweet and to the point. 6/10
Best random blog search:"Mikey's Tent of Reality"(
my review: I really like this blog because its got this spunk to its read. Its template is generic and the links to other blogs are quirky at best. The thing about this blogs direction is that its intended to not have a direction and for that it gets high Kudos. 7/10
Worst random blog search:"Kon TiKi"(
my review: Its too orange and ads cover its header. Its a tourist driven website meant for people who should go but written as if you had to be there to know whats going on.3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"No Claudicaré hasta decir toda la verdad..." (
my review: Its picture selection is at best, filling, although the blue on black background draws away from the blog. It could do some massive improvement on getting rid of the color clashing but the blog is well set-up when it comes to the written format.8/10
1 Comment
Angel said
Thank U...
The End
I'm Sorry for those who actually read this blog. As of today I am officially ending its blogger days due to lack of time to update it reguarly and lack of drive to keep it going. Thanks for reading. The stuff that was originally posted here, will reappear on SAPS as one post. This is to maintain what it once was. Thank you.
posted by The Ghost at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Note: This was the last post made on the blog.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Back at it
Its been awhile since I've last touched this site. Dont get me wrong, but a lot of hours went into to the making of this post. Oddly enough it doesnt show. This reviews best blogs were more of the exceptional this time. I would have to say the best of the best.
Top Beginner Blog:
My Review: The rants here are beautiful at best. Although the posts visually look long, you'll fly by each word and wonder how you got to the end so fast. Its well basic template allows for no visual confusion. 8/10
Best Random Blog Search:"Abhi's Antics"
My Review:"The day to day incoherent rants of a lazy,good-for-nothing intellectual" says it all. This blog is simply, brilliant and full of useless information along with the occasional need to know stuff. I might want to say, the uses of the remarkable "Calvin and Hobbes" is sheer genius. 10/10
Worst Random Blog Search:"chance movie-dvd reviews"
My Review: Not much but can be said for this blog. With its inconsistent post fonts and generic template, this blog doesnt do much at all for anyone.
The Best Foreign Language Blog:"no esquecimento "
My Review: I dont have much to say about this blog but its as good as you can want.8/10
Blogs of note: "The Bestest Blog of All Time"
This blog is just like us but much better. Although the color scheme should be a little different, this blog takes what we do to the next level. I hope all read what this site has to offer.
Friday, October 27, 2006
We Are Anemic
We Are SoSo So So.....Tis been awhile since I did a blog review....
Check this out
I couldn't give this a score mainly because I do not believe in a ranking system, but this site is damn cool.
I like the collections.Its cool to read content mainly based on marketing and advertising related material. Have fun.
***The post was the only post done by Aeliot, all others were done by The Ghost
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Due to recent events and time constraints, OR will be updated less frequently. Hopefully more time can be given to it at a later date. Thank you so much for reading. Take note this is not a good-bye. I will be able to put more stuff on here and it will continue to operate. Just take note that it will be a monthly things instead of weekly.
Thank you,The Ghost
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Well its been awhile
Today marks the day of our third online blogger blog review post. Its been almost more than 2 weeks, but after hours of strain and hardwork we have compilied up the winners and the losers. Its been a long time since this blogs dedication that we or should I say 'I' have posted anything. Through hard work though, I plan to keep this site going strong.
Top beginner blog:"maedae"(
My Review: Well if you can imagine a site that has a two posts, two of which have the same exact content except one has some added. Besides the fact thats its really repetitive, it has a simple easy to follow layout. It also posses a lot of potential to be something good. But because of it being in the early stages, it has yet to show strongly its promise. 4/10
Best random blog search: "Copeland Institute for Lower Learning" (
My Review:"It's not about ideology, it's about incompetence" You cant really pick a better grabber to keep the reader interested. This personal political blog's is simple and easy to follow. It doesnt have fancy backgrounds or unusual fonts to distract you from the main focus. They take a complicated subject and make it 'look' easy. This blog does get personal which can draw away the credibility, and it may lack an unbiased opinion but it keeps with the main focus. 9/10
Worst random blog search:"Fitty on the West Coast" (
My Review: Although I am not quite a fan of personel blogs about peoples lives, this blog however is the exception. Its a crazy blog on the background of a light blue layout format. Its intriguing posts on life are mixed with a consistent statement of dietary status. This site has the looks to keep a reader in a good mood unlike most "emo" sites. Its refreshing, new and brilliant. I would give it a 10 but thats just to tough to reach. 9/10
The best foregin language political blog:"" (
My Review: Well it may not be all foreign language and not political it does take an approach for which we here enjoyed a lot. Besides busisness is politics, but the way this site is done is marvelous. English-non english, english-non english. That alone is the rewarding experience. 6/10
Blog of note:"Still breathing(" I hate to say it but a site that unknowingly flaunts spelling errors should be taken off of blogger, beaten, and tossed. Something so stupid as this blog should hopefully get no readers, but hey anything can happen-like BUSH getting elected.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Here we are again to review more of bloggers worst and best. After doing about a weeks long search and reading tons of blogs, I have come up with my selection. This selection has a wide range of 'diary' to 'journalist' like blogs. I hope this review gives you a better feel of what to read.
Top beginner blog:"Ryan's Blog"(
My Review: Well lets get to the basics of this blog. For one, its informative, which is kinda refreshing. Two, its opionated so its not a news fed blog. Three, its easy to follow. This blog does well by not coming on too strong. Although it does have its flaws. For instance, the same post is posted twice. Ryan's blog deserves high respect because hes not trying to be the dominant voice in the crowd just yet. The blog contains stuff that comes to mind and information that's backed by evidence or sources.7/10
Best random blog search: "President Ahmadinejad"(
My Review:From the get-go this blog states and maintains its clear and definite direction. Its layout is easy to follow while the writing is top notch. One thing that may throw some away is the advertisments of books on the left side. I give credit, because at least the ads maintain the subject of the blog. This blog is clear, well done and just how I like' em.9/10
Worst random blog search:"Gee" (
My Review: Oh gee its 'Gee'. Thats about all the fun you can get from this unique blog. At first it seems promising with its very unusual blog set up. Once you get in to the blog, the poor grammar and ill designed layout ruin all the hopes you had. Its hard to read on levels of visibility and understanding. This blog will drive your eyes nuts. 3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"ECONOMIA: LO QUE QUIERES SABER" (
My Review: This blog comes off a little to cute almost to the extent of ruining completly. That is all to blame for its 'dog' cursor'. Don't let that lead you away. Its extensive younger version of news magaize is good. Its page format is eligible and well laid out. The topics are interesting and cover a wide variety of topics for readers to read. I strongly suggest you check it out. 8/10
Monday, September 04, 2006
Well lets get things started. For one, this a blog designated to rate, rant and remark on blogs that you or other people put on blogger. I'd like to get put out that everything about the blogs we read are broken down and judged based on its direction, layout, posts,etc. To help with how I rate things-I always include the topic on top. Next is my review of the blog mentioned above. The numbers (ex.10/10) are my way of rating the blog on a numerical scale.
My picks:Top beginner blog:"Gilded Lilies"(
my review:Its short, sweet and to the point. 6/10
Best random blog search:"Mikey's Tent of Reality"(
my review: I really like this blog because its got this spunk to its read. Its template is generic and the links to other blogs are quirky at best. The thing about this blogs direction is that its intended to not have a direction and for that it gets high Kudos. 7/10
Worst random blog search:"Kon TiKi"(
my review: Its too orange and ads cover its header. Its a tourist driven website meant for people who should go but written as if you had to be there to know whats going on.3/10
The best foregin language political blog:"No Claudicaré hasta decir toda la verdad..." (
my review: Its picture selection is at best, filling, although the blue on black background draws away from the blog. It could do some massive improvement on getting rid of the color clashing but the blog is well set-up when it comes to the written format.8/10
1 Comment
Angel said
Thank U...
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