
List of Fears

Ballistophobia: Fear of bullets.
Otophobia: Fear of opening one's eyes.
Peccatophobia: Fear of sinning.
Taphephobia: Fear of being buried alive.
Sitophobia: Fear of food.
Trichophobia: Fear of hair.
Vestiphobia: Fear of clothing.

Click HERE or Click the title for a lizt from A-Z of phobia's.


It is kisstomary to cuss ("customary to kiss") the bride.

Spoonerism(SPOO-nuh-riz-uhm) noun:
The transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words

Word History:comes from the name of the Rev. William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), a kindly but nervous Anglican clergyman and educationalist



Pull the trigger to your head. God, I wish that you were dead.


Guns and the devil

God is the Gun.
The Devil pulls the trigger.
Your the victim.


The Countdown

Just remember this as you live your life. Every second, every minute that ticks by is the coutdown to your untimely demise.