

Go fuck a dog. Adam did.

Lillith(Adams suppossed first wife)

(b) Some say that God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, giving them charge over the world; [2] but that Eve did not yet exist. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast, bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn, found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: 'Every creature but I has a proper matel', and prayed God would remedy this injustice. [3]
(c) God then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as He had formed Adam, except that He used filth and sediment instead of pure dust. From Adam's union with this demoness, and with another like her named Naamah, Tubal Cain's sister, sprang Asmodeus and innumerable demons that still plague mankind. Many generations later, Lilith and Naamah came to Solomon's judgement seat, disguised as harlots of Jerusalem'. [4]
(d) Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the recumbent posture he demanded. 'Why must I lie beneath you?' she asked. 'I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal.' Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left him.
Adam complained to God: 'I have been deserted by my helpmeet' God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim at the rate of more than one hundred a day. 'Return to Adam without delay,' the angels said, `or we will drown you!' Lilith asked: `How can I return to Adam and live like an honest housewife, after my stay beside the Red Sea?? 'It will be death to refuse!' they answered. `How can I die,' Lilith asked again, `when God has ordered me to take charge of all newborn children: boys up to the eighth day of life, that of circumcision; girls up to the twentieth day. None the less, if ever I see your three names or likenesses displayed in an amulet above a newborn child, I promise to spare it.' To this they agreed; but God punished Lilith by making one hundred of her demon children perish daily; [5] and if she could not destroy a human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her own. [6]
(e) Some say that Lilith ruled as queen in Zmargad, and again in Sheba; and was the demoness who destroyed job's sons. [7] Yet she escaped the curse of death which overtook Adam, since they had parted long before the Fall. Lilith and Naamah not only strangle infants but also seduce dreaming men, any one of whom, sleeping alone, may become their victim. [8]
(f) Undismayed by His failure to give Adam a suitable helpmeet, God tried again, and let him watch while he built up a woman's anatomy: using bones, tissues, muscles, blood and glandular secretions, then covering the whole with skin and adding tufts of hair in places. The sight caused Adam such disgust that even when this woman, the First Eve, stood there in her full beauty, he felt an invincible repugnance. God knew that He had failed once more, and took the First Eve away. Where she went, nobody knows for certain. [9]
(g) God tried a third time, and acted more circumspectly. Having taken a rib from Adam's side in his sleep, He formed it into a woman; then plaited her hair and adorned her, like a bride, with twenty-four pieces of jewellery, before waking him. Adam was entranced. [10]
(h) Some say that God created Eve not from Adam's rib, but from a tail ending in a sting which had been part of his body. God cut this off, and the stump-now a useless coccyx-is still carried by Adam's descendants. [11]
(i) Others say that God's original thought had been to create two human beings, male and female; but instead He designed a single one with a male face looking forward, and a female face looking back. Again He changed His mind, removed Adam's backward-looking face, and built a woman's body for it. [12]
(j) Still others hold that Adam was originally created as an androgyne of male and female bodies joined back to back. Since this posture made locomotion difficult, and conversation awkward, God divided the androgyne and gave each half a new rear. These separate beings He placed in Eden, forbidding them to couple. [13]
Notes on sources:

Feminist Lillith Perspective

These days, one of the most powerful archetypes being revived in feminist religion is Lilith, archetype of the "dark" inner feminine. For ages she had been cast aside and denigrated by patriarchal religion as a demoness, but now she is being looked at with renewed interest. To anyone following Lilith's career, it would be interesting to learn how she already had been rehabilitated centuries ago in Islamic Sufi guise. She is known to Muslims as Layla — of Layla and Majnun fame.
Both names come from the same ancient Semitic root meaning 'night'. The old Akkadian form of her name was Lilitu, from the root L-Y-L, with the feminine ending in -t; it took the form Lilith in Hebrew. The Arabic name Laylá is from the same root with a feminine ending often used in Arabic girls' names.
Lilith was no doubt a survival from prehistoric Middle Eastern goddess religion, who was demonized and became only a memory under patriarchal religion. Her reputation has taken on the meaning of the "dark side" of the Feminine. The usual pattern when a new religion takes over is to turn the previous religion's deities into demons as that side of their psyche becomes repressed. Psychologically, Lilith's archetype of the Dark Feminine (known in Shaktism as Kali Ma) became a sewer where the patriarchal religion dumped all their repressed negativity against the Feminine.

Layla . . . listen to the Arab singers. In every other song they forsake the lyrics and just sing a chorus of "Ya Layl, ya Layl, ya Laaaayyyyl...." O Night!
Living in the modern civilization as we do, we are never out of the reach of electric lights bleaching out the night. Put yourself in Layla's Arabia, in the middle of the desert. On a moonless night, there is NOTHING. No dunes, no camels, nothing. Everything merges into the formless.
This represents the Unmanifest, the aspect of Allah that does not enter into creation. In relation to the world, God's attribute al-Khaliq, the Creator, is masculine. But God's reality is not exhausted by creating, and beyond creation there is the Unmanifest. The Divine Feminine that the Sufi poets address with women's names . . . like Layla.
The "dark side"? In Sufism, the "darkness" of Layla does not come across as something nefarious or threatening. It can even be luminous-the experience of the "Black Light" (see Henry Corbin, The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism). Or like the "black shawl" of the Prophet . . .whom the Sufis sometimes call the "kali kamaliya vala" (the one wrapped in the black blanket) in their qawwalis. The Sufis also link this to the kamal posh. . .the prehistoric Sufis (a mystical brotherhood that existed from prehistory and served in the roles of teachers and divines). The Prophet's prayer rug was also black, as was the first flag of Islam.
Layla, as used by the Sufis, means the power of love. It is the dark feminine that loves in equal measure, that returns love, that draws one out of oneself and into the hâl (ecstatic state) of love. She intoxicates, makes one indifferent to the world, singular of purpose, enfolds and yet retains her mystery, her hiddeness. . . her darkness. A single glimpse of her reality intoxicates (as when Majnun sank into the depths of love at a glance of her toes, revealed underneath the hem of her gown).

Considering the history of religions, notice how a new one that takes over recasts the old deities as demons. For example, in Wyoming there is a tall rock formation with vertical grooves that the American Indians regarded as a sacred place; the Lakota name is Mato Tipila (The Home of the Bear). But the white man could find no better name for it than "Devils Tower." The Vedic gods (deva) are Avestan demons (div), while the Avestan gods (ahura) are Vedic demons (asura). Tit for tat!
In my own lifetime, I have heard the uninformed opinion of certain Indian Muslims that Kali is the very Devil. (They never bothered to inquire and find out the significance of Kali in the Shakta faith, they just react to her appearance.) So we have heard the Israelite version of Lilith as a demon, but what about her original status in the prehistoric religion before the People of the Book came along? Kâli is Urdu for black. Maybe an analogy with Kali would help to see this integration. On one hand, as Uma/Parvati/Durga she represents the loving side of the Feminine, while as Kali she shows the fierce side. But to Shaktas they are all seen as integrated aspects of the whole concept of Devi.
In Christianity and Islam, something went wrong. Jesus and Muhammad were very kind to women and tried hard to remove patriarchal oppression of them. But after them, their followers reinstated patriarchal misogyny full force. However, feminist mystics like me can still retrieve the original feminist spirit from the source of the religion and bring it back to the forefront.
The good news is that Sufism has recovered and reintegrated the Dark Feminine side in the person of Layla, whose name comes from the same Semitic root as Lilith, meaning 'night'. Layla is the name for God as a beloved Woman in Sufi poetry, and Her name shows the embrace of the positive side of the night as the Dark Mother, the love that overwhelms and heals the fear of the darkness. Kali means 'black' and Lilith/Layla refers to the blackness of night, the power of the ultimate Divine Feminine to dissolve all forms.
We must adore the Divine Feminine in all women and must never give into the temptation to demonize women. We have to recognize clearly how stories of demonesses have been used to oppress the status of women instead of exalting their Shakti. We have to look very deeply within ourselves to make sure we are not repressing the Dark Feminine to where it turns into attacks on women. The resurgence of the Feminine is gaining strength these days, people! Patriarchy is rapidly crumbling. Religions will no longer be able to keep women down. There is no force on earth more powerful than awakened women. The repressed Dark Feminine represented by Lilith has already been restored and rehabilitated, reintegrated within the psyche by Sufism. This example may be of value to spiritual feminists who are reviving the positive meaning of Lilith for women today.
"By the One who created the male and the female" (Qur’an, Surat al-Layl [the Night], 92:3).


I found these images and I thought they were humorous.


The Thoughts God thinks of us

...Fuckstick! Another one down the tubes. I've been doing this since Adam and Eve. Shit Adam and Eve never exsisted. Oh fuckstick!


A Gun
...can push the bullet
A Bullet
...can make you dead
The Dead
...can make you cry
The Crying
...makes you look weak
The Weak
...are taken advantage of
Those taken advantage of
...have a child or two
A child or two
...makes you go into psychotic madness
You go into psychotic Madness
...and in madness you grab the gun
Grab the Gun
...a child fights it from you
...and now you are done


The World I burned

Note to reader: All names have been changed for confidentiality reasons except for that of Josh Neu.

Tigers wait to pounce. A sniper takes his time to get the crosshairs to meet the head of his ill-fated enemy. I strike like the matchstick after you let it burn to your finger and drop it on the ground that happens to be covered by gasoline and other flammable liquids. A few days ago, while I was at Biblestudy, a careless individual recieved a phone call from the walking, talking and air wasting tumor we refer to as "R". She was avertly invited and I was thrown in the mix to go with the careless individual to pick her up. Lightmeuplester left the biblestudy meeting, but before he did, he told me to tell her "I left because she was coming".

Most would take the information he had given and passed it away as nonsense. I knew better, and I am the matchstick. Tumors stick out and need to be romved. They are problems that get worse. You can decorate your tumor with fancy what nots, but you and I know it wont go away and it still looks ugly. "R", the tumor that haunts your dreams, ruins your nightmares and makes suicide look like a wedding gown. Shes the defect in your melted down barbie doll.

Lightmeuplester is the cancer surgeon who removes the tumors only to later find out another one has appeared. He's the surgeon that takes a chainsaw to it and rips it apart so he can pee on every piece. He's the bullet in your gun, to quick to avoid, and deadly if hit right.

It was cold outside. It took minutes to walk a few feet to my careless friend's white compact ford ranger. Joints would freeze up. Cramps were the impifimy of warm days. We crawled into his truck and waited with our shoulders up and our legs pinched together. While most would think of what they would say, I did not. I am the tiger, the sniper. I am the matchstick.

We had reached the root of all cancer, we had come to R's home. You have to cough everytime shes around or your near her, you cant stop it. She is cancer, you hack and hack and she wont leave. We drove with her squished in the middle of us. It was like a brain tumor, but not as sexy. She yacked and yacked like the cancer that keeps reproducing. I hardly responded, let alone spoke. I made sure we didnt go back to biblestudy. Having a tumor is one thing, but to let it contaminate others is just wrong.

We drove around until we reached a place hosting a party. I walked in like Marla's first entrance in the movie Fight Club. As I walked down the stairs everyone flocked to me like I was their deity and their born again savior rolled into one. Just like their deity or born again savior, I shooed them away from like they were ants and Iwas the magnifying glass.

As I walked down the stairs to where the party was at, I meet Josh Neu. Josh Neu-Noun: A man/woman who appears to be a human like ape with an IQ believed to be in the negative. A mother's boy/girl to an obsessive degree,that can not hold a sustainable amount of alcohol and assertively says that he is allergic to smoking because thats whats his mother said, then ends up smoking after and pouts about if confronted.

He approached me yelling my name in drunkly excitment. I kicked him in the balls and moved slightly to the left to watch him fall face first to the floor. I watched as he got up and tried to shake my careless friend' hand but missed and fell again. He's the singer without out a song. I walked out the room to the room where they were taking shots. I had a few and went back into the room where Josh and the tumor were.

I found a chair, shooed the person from it, and sat down. All the sudden this girl "Mrs. Hott Hott Every guy wants to Fuck me, athlete" who has never started a conversation with me, decides to do so. She must have thought that of all the nobodies in the area I was the nobody to talk to. The king of nobodies. I had to end the conversation quickly like a light cig she pathetically smokes. I looked over my shoulders only to peer my eyes on what is around me.

The living, world contaminating tumor, was enjoying It's night greatly. I was glad it was. It's high pitched voice squeaking around with its disturbing smiling. It's smile is like a mole A tumorus mole that slowly builds. Sure it looks harmless, but inside its hell.

The cervix of night was dialating and the birth of morning was moments away. We once again smashed into the truck and drove back to her place to drop her off. I had still not spoke to her, other than the moment when we picked her up. She was happy in a deathly way. "You guys made my night" she said while in the truck. I was raped by that saying.

We pulled into her driveway, and I got out and let her out. She was about to take a step towards her house when I said to her in a straight and emotionless face "He(Lightmeuplester) told me to tell you that he left halo(biblestudy) because you were coming". I watched as she melted inside in tears and did just about the same on the outside. I then I asked how her night went in the same way. She said "You just ruined it.By saying that." I didnt reach out to comfort her and my face didnt make a move. I looked as if someone was cut out of the picture and all that is left is the space where I was. Like a person looking for God and knows hes not there. A matchstick has no expressions.

A tiger or sniper could'nt kill as good as I do. Even God was envious. I strike like the matchstick after you let it burn to your finger and drop it on the ground that happens to be covered by gasoline and other flammable liquids. R was the building and lightmeuplester was the person who lit it. The building burns down while others watch in utter amazement. Burn motherfucker, burn.